The train reaches District 11

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Philippe wakes up to the sound of the announcement, which was rather loud . The train will arrive in 15 minutes read the announcement . Philippe looks around to see all the passengers getting ready . Some adjusting their costs , some picking up their luggages . And a few of them not too bothered by the imminent arrival as they carry on to be seated back . The train begins to slow down and within a few minutes comes to a screeching halt at the platform . Some of the eager passengers hurriedly pick up their luggage and leave the train . The relaxed few slowly get up from their seats and get on to pick up their coats .

Philippe gets up and as he picks up his luggage from the compartment above , he notices a stout man adjusting his hat hastily and try to get out of the crowded space . Alex ! Philippe muttered to himself . He then quickly descends from the train and tries to reach his friend . He frantically tries to brush people of his way , as he steps closer and closer into the crowded train station , Philippe starts to shout his friends name . Alex , Alex ! He calls out . After a few steps inwards the moving crowd , he spots him again . Alex , he calls out . The stout man once again adjusts his hat and moves hurriedly . Philippe then goes onto a push a couple of people away and finally lands a hand on his friend .
Alex ! He calls out
The man looks back , his eyes showing no emotion at all . It's you again ?
Yes , it's me Philippe . We just met at the previous station .

Oh yes , Yes Philippe , replies Alex . And continues to walk ahead without any hesitation . The stout mans actions baffle Philippe . Philippe does not say a word , he follows Alex . They navigate through the large crowds and go into the mouth of the dragon . Again a magnificent creature much like the one at previous district . They must all look the same , he thought to himself . It was about evening , around the time the sun goes down . The sun rays slowly leaving the building and the huge chandeliers beginning to illuminate the hallways was quite the sight . 

Alex walked ahead unbothered by the magnificence nor Philippe following him . They finally leave the building . and now Alex finally stops and looks back at the young man . He places his suitcase to his left and places his hat on top of it . 

Do you know where you are headed young man ? asked Alex

Yes , replied Philippe . District 11

This is District 11 , but where in District 11 are you headed to ? iterates Alex

I sir , have come to visit my cousin who works here at district 11 . since this is the first time i visit here , I do not know where he lives . 

You mean , you do not know where your cousin lives ? Alex asks Philippe

Yes , I actually had his  address written in a piece of paper which was then kept in my pocket . Somehow I have managed to misplace it 

Oh , that is swell . replies Alex sarcastically 

Alex , then opened his briefcase . Took out a piece of paper . And then began to hurriedly write something on it . After he was finished he handed over the writings on it . This is the address of a hotel , on top of it is scribed the name of the hotel . I suggest you take a taxi and head over there . you have some shillings on you , I hope . 

Yes sir , I do . Said  Alex as he got hold of the paper and began to go over the details . After having a look at it , Philippe looked up , Alex once again vanished . Philippe then turned over the paper ,on which the address was written .

" On the request of Mr. Alex "

He kept the note in his pocket and headed towards a taxi . 

A taxi stops , He gets in the back seat . Again instinctively he says to the taxi driver . 

Hotel Willocks

Fist time here ? 

No , replies Philippe

The taxi driver nods and zooms ahead . 

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