Chapter One

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Beauty & The Seven Foot Frame

Pairing: Villain!Bruno Madrigal x Reader

Chapter One

Word Count : 948


Today was the day Y/N Rivera was going to meet her soon to be husband and his family. Y/n sat at her sister's vanity while her older sister did her hair. "I don't get it, why is mama doing this to me?" she asked her "It's unfair, you were allowed to marry for love" Veronica opened her mouth to respond but got interrupted by her younger sister. "And don't get me started on how mama doesn't force marriage onto the twins!" y/n let out a sigh and sunk into the wooden vanity chair "yes but, y/n you already rejected half of the men mama had introduced you to. And the others were already arranged by the time you thought about giving them a chance" Veronica had finished her sister's hair "Yes I was fortunate enough that I met victor before mama decided to take things into her hands, but I a good feeling that you and whoever mama set you up with will be a perfect match" she offered a kind smile which y/n only gave a closed one in return.

"Now let's get you dressed before mama has a fit and rushes us..."

"Again" Y/n and Veronica said at the same time which caused them to both laugh, Veronica helped get y/n ready

 Her outfit was a ember green skirt that was tea length and a white puff sleeve top that had ember green flowers embroidered across the chest and shoulders and she wore shoes Veronica had made for her birthday a few months ago

There was a soft knock on the door before it opened and revealed their mother "Are you two ready to go now, your brothers are waiting by the door" Y/n sighed and looked at herself in the mirror one final time "Yes mama we're ready" y/n followed her mother out the room door with Veronica shortly following behind.

༻At The Casita༺

As y/n and her family walked up to the madrigal's house y/n noticed a big tower towards the back of the big house.

The casita's doors swung open as a lady who looked to be about in her late 50's early 60's walked out and greeted the family "Hello esperanza, it's so nice to meet your children" the lady greeted y/n's mother "Hello alma, these are my sons, fernando and alejandro" her mother pointed to each of the twins

"And these are my daughters, this is my oldest daughter Veronica" Veronica shook the lady's hand "and this is our youngest y/n" y/n gave alma a smile and shook her hand "It's nice to meet you mrs madrigal" alma gave her a smile in return "come in, come in" alma guides the family to the dining room table where the rest of the madrigals were.

The Rivera's went around and greeted everyone except y/n's soon to be husband, he was missing from the table "Oh Bruno he's currently busy at the moment but I'm sure he won't mind so let's just eat without him!" alma sat down at the head of the table, esperanza on her left and the twins to her right

Y/n got asked if she could sit next to the little girls who kept smiling at her since she walked in "I'm isabela and this is dolores and the little one is my sister luisa!" one of the girls introduced them and the toddler on julieta's lap "I'm y/n it's lovely meeting you both" the girls smiled and continued to talk to her all throughout dinner "Girls let her eat" both of the girls fathers said as y/n was to busy listening to both girls stories to even get a bite of her food "It's alright I'm used to it I have a niece around there they're age" y/n smiled as dolores and Isabela stayed quiet for a bit to let y/n take a bite before continuing to talk

During dinner y/n noticed pepa, Bruno's older sister had gotten up and left with a plate of food and a drink, that made y/n curious.

"why was pepa taking a plate to the rooms?" 

Y/n's mind was too focused on that to even notice augustin, julieta's husband calling her name "y/n abula says your family isn't from here is that correct?" He asked

Y/n snapped out of her thought's "huh..oh yes my family isn't from here but some of my papa's family lives here still" she explained 

Pepa stormed into the dinning room with a thundering cloud above her head "pepa, your cloud!" Alma told her daughter "I'm trying mama, and you know who said go ahead" pepa nodded her head at alma and esperanza "Y/n honey would you please follow us" esperanza asked her daughter who stopped talking to augustin when her mother called her name 

Y/n nodded and got up and followed the older women to the courtyard "Y/n we must start to plan for the wedding" alma told the girl who just stayed quiet and nodded

The two women started planning, occasionally asking for y/n's opinion.

At some point the two women had left y/n and went to talk to the priest, leaving y/n behind where she helped julieta with the dishes.

"Julieta..what's Bruno like?" 

"He's Silent and cold at first but once you get to know him, he's a gentleman." Julieta replied calmly, Y/n took note of what she said and continued to help clean up.

Beauty & Seven Foot Frame ¦ Bruno Madrigal X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now