Chapter 37

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"Lost her?" Tsunade questioned.

The Chuunin shifted nervously under her intense gaze.

"What do you mean you lost Mai Be Fong?"

It had taken the young men nearly two hours to finally get free from the Chakra Strings. Though that wasn't because they managed to get a weapon free. The chakra had run out and finally released them.

"It's quite impressive, really," Izumo answered.

"I would have to guess she was onto us from the start," Kotetsu said. "She knew exactly where we were and attacked before we could counter."

"I don't care," the Hokage answered. "Both of you have been Chuunin longer than Mai has been a ninja, so explain to me how she managed to best two of my personal guards?"

"You can't deny she has pure talent that can be unmatched. Ibiki should be made aware of this."

"If this Chuunin is not found a report to Ibiki will not be needed. Figure something out. We're already short on our resources with those sent this morning on their missions."

"We'll send an eagle to the nearest squads," Izumo answered.

"Get going."

The two left the office quickly as the woman leaned back in her chair, and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Damn it... What the hell are we going to do?"


They had him. They almost had Sasuke. But his keepers made things difficult. Each time Shikamaru's team caught up to the Sound Ninjas, another member was forced to break off and deal with an opponent. Choji. Neji. Kiba. And then Shikamaru. He stayed behind for Naruto to chase after the barrel that held Sasuke. Another of Orochimaru's henchmen appeared out of nowhere. Kimimaro stole the Leaf Ninja away and made a break for the border.

Shikamaru admitted that he had miscalculated. They were scattered across multiple battlefields, many with grim outlooks. In the midst of Naruto and Kimimaro's battle, the top of the prison began smoking black. Eventually, the seals in place broke and the wood exploded. What emerged didn't look like Sasuke for a moment, despite his back facing the blonde ninja. Though the appearance altered back to his normal state and the curse markings receded.

"Sasuke!" Naruto shouted. "What the hell are you doing with these guys? Let's head back! Come on!"

The Uchiha laughed in a manic manner, feeling the power coursing through him. This is what it felt like? This was incredible.

"Can't you hear me, damnit!" Naruto shouted.

The Genin didn't spare a glance in the knucklehead's direction and broke out in a run towards the border.

"Wait, Sasuke!"

Naruto was unable to pursue. Kimimaro wouldn't allow him to pass.

Somehow, backup arrived in the form of Rock Lee, much to the Leaf Ninja's surprise. Due to his pervious injuries during the Chuunin Exam, all believed that his career was over. Yet he landed an effective attack to throw away the Sound Ninja and allowed Naruto to chase his teammate.

Rock Lee wasn't the only assistance in the field. It came in the form of ninjas from the Land of Wind. The very last people they expected to see. Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara had all come to their aid. The latter fought alongside Rock Lee to defeat Kimimaro, instead of against him in a brutal manner like in the Preliminary Exam.

Meanwhile, the reason for Shikamaru's team being out in the field came to a head at the Valley of the End. It was a massive waterfall with a large lake at the bottom that parted the Land of Fire and the Sound. It was decorated with two stone statues that depicted the late leaders who founded Konoha. Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha.

"SASUKE!" Naruto shouted.

The Uchiha paused on the head of Madara. Not bothering to properly acknowledge the blonde by looking him in the eye. He began moving forward again.

"What, are you going to run away?" Naruto taunted.

Again, he stopped, only this time the boy turned. Naruto took a step back in a startled manner upon seeing that one of his eyes had turned completely black. The only area where the curse mark crawled over the skin.

"Hey, dumbass," the Uchiha said.

His tone was cold, making the Genin more on edge.

"I told Sakura, don't bother me anymore."

The boy clenched his teeth, which caused Sasuke to chuckle.

"What's with the grim face?"

His incessant laughter only made Naruto grow angry. And at the same time feel defeated at the fact that he knew his teammate had changed.

"Why... Sasuke...?" he asked. "What made you like this?!"

"What does any of this have to deal with you?" Sasuke scoffed. "I have my own path. I won't let anyone lead me any other way..."

Despite what he felt, the boy's thoughts shifted towards one person in particular before finding his own determination to remember why he was doing this.

"No matter who it is. Let me make this clear to you: my childish games with you Leafs are over. Go. Home."

The blonde's eyes widened. He thought back to how hard everyone on the team fought to get here. How they had to leave each other one at a time in order to advance. He had no idea what became of them, but none of these opponents had been easy to deal with.

"Choji, Neji, Kiba, Shikamaru, Thick Brows... they all risked their lives to follow you here..."

"Good for them."

His anger returned with how the Uchiha carelessly threw around those words. Sasuke turned his back on his former teammate.

"What the hell is your problem, talking about your comrades that way?"

The Uchiha whirled around realizing how close the voice was and seeing that the boy hand lunged over the distance between the two statues and tackled him to the ground. Glaring, the blonde punched him across the jaw trying to knock some sense into him.

"So do I get any stronger staying with those 'comrades'? I'm going to Orochimaru."

Naruto gripped his collar roughly. "Orochimaru was the one who killed the Third and tried to crush the Village! You think he's just gonna give you some power for free? He just wants your body to use as his container! You might not come back! You might get killed! I can't let you go somewhere like that!"

"I don't care."

The statement caused shock to run through Naruto.

"All I care about is that I accomplish my objective. I can't help it if you're gonna get in the way."

"And what about Mai? Explain to me why you didn't bring her along?"

The boy kept his mouth shut.

"Don't you care about her to stay? Or at least include her?"

"Don't talk like you know where we come from–"

"Do you honestly think that by going to Orochimaru, you will be able to return to her? Your best friend?"

"I will come back." For her.

"Get it through your thick head that you won't!"

"I'm doing this for the both of us because I do care so I can become stronger! For her sake! For revenge! You don't understand, none of you do!"

"Because you don't let us in so we can!"

Sasuke gripped the front of Naruto's jacket. "I can't help it if you're gonna get in the way, but what I decide is none of your business."

The blonde's brows narrowed. "You can't do it! I won't let you! I'll take you back with full force."

"I'd like to see you try."

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