Chapter 12

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The group of Genin, led by Anko, were taken to the edge of Konoha. They were in a vast stretch of forest, a large section gated and with warning signs posted throughout for no one to enter. Stalls and tables had already been set up by other Chuunins that had come to help organize. Though from what the teams saw, no one knew what they were about to do for the second half.

"Welcome to the stage for the second test, Practice Arena 44," Anko announced. "Also known as 'The Forest of Death'. You'll soon see why."

"It's huge..." Sakura gasped.

Naruto huffed, arms crossing and proclaimed, "If you think that'll scare me, forget about it! That's nothing! I'm not afraid!"

The young woman snickered. "Really now? Well, aren't you a spirited one?"

A cut suddenly appeared on Naruto's cheek and made him stumble. The Proctor appeared behind him, a kunai now stuck in the ground.

"Kids like you are quickly killed," she laughed. "Spraying that red blood, I love..."

Movement in the crowd caught Anko's attention instantly. She pulled forth another kunai and drew dangerously close to the long, snake-like tongue that crawled over a shoulder.

"Here's your kunai," the older teen hissed.

He was from the Land of Grass. A few shifted uncomfortably at his nature. The kunai thrown at Naruto was now wrapped up in the slimy muscle.

"Thank you," she answered. The fake sweetness in her voice was obvious. "But don't sneak up on me unless you want to die."

"My apologies," the Grass Ninja said. "I just get excited when I see red blood. Besides, you cut my precious hair." He retreated back to his team.

Anko snickered. "Looks like we have a lot of blood thirsty ones in this test. This sounds like fun."

Mai watched the Grass Ninja warily and caught sight of the sinister smirk just barely hidden under the straw hat.

"I don't like them..." the girl mumbled.

"Just ignore them," Sasuke said.

When the Be Fong didn't answer back, he grew curious and glanced over. Her eyes were wide, still staring at the backs of the Grass Ninjas. As if in a trance. However, it wasn't peaceful. She looked terrified. Sasuke nudged at her shoulder.

"Hey, snap out of it."

Mai blinked, and slowly turned away to focus as Anko's instructions for the next exam.

"What's with you?"

"Nothing," she breathed. A finger twitched to discard a damaged thread as it fell to pieces. "It's nothing."

"Now, before we get started, there's something I have to pass out!" the Proctor announced. The young woman pulled a stack of papers out from the jacket. "You must sign these agreement forms. There will be deaths in this one, and if you don't sign these it will all be my responsibility." She laughed at the thought. "Once you've signed the papers, each team will check in at the booth behind me. For this test you will attempt the ultimate survival. This is the area in which it will take place."

As the forms were passed around, she unrolled a scroll next. It held a map as the Genins began to study it carefully.

"Around the arena there are forty-four locked gates. There's a forest, river, and a tower in the center. The gates are all an equal distance from the center. You will be asked to complete a simple task using any weapons and Jutsu you will compete in a no rules scroll battle. You will fight over the 'Heaven' and 'Earth' scrolls. Half will get one, the other half... you get the point. To pass your team must make it to the tower with both scrolls. This test will last five days."

Let It Burn: Birth [Sasuke Uchiha]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें