Chapter 5

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Weeks had gone by since Team 7 started receiving missions. They performed various tasks that ranged from cleaning, babysitting, keeping people company, or retrieving lost items to residents. They had just returned from their latest mission; recovering a cat that had run away. It resulted in Naruto being covered in a few scratches when the animal didn't want to go back willingly.

"Now, Team 7, your next duties are babysitting an elder's grandson, shopping in the neighboring village, and help with potato digging," the Hokage read off a scroll.

"No! No! No! No!" Naruto exclaimed. "I want to do a real mission! Find us a better one!"

"You idiot, you're just a rookie!" Iruka shouted back. One of the individuals at the table to help with the assignments. "Everyone starts off with their simple duties and works their way up!"

"But we keep getting the crappiest ones!"

"Be quiet, you," Kakashi ordered.

He hit the blonde in the back of the head to shut him up.

"Listen," the Hokage said. "Every day, the Village receives many requests from babysitting to assassinations. Each one is written down and then sorted into A, B, C, or D-Ranks based on difficulty. They are then handed out to ninjas based on their abilities. If completed successfully, we receive payment from the client. You guys are Genin, which makes D-Ranks perfect for you."

As the others in the team nodded their head in understanding, Naruto ignored the man's words. Clearly not listening to reason and tried to change the subject. Much to the Hokage's annoyance.


"Jeez!" Naruto complained. "All you do is give lectures! But you know what? I'm not the troublemaking brat you still think I am!"

Kakashi waited to be reprimanded for the stunt and disrespect. However, Iruka and the Hokage actually smiled at the small outburst.

"Okay," the Hokage said. "If you want it that much, I'll give you a C-Ranked mission. It's a protection mission of a certain individual."

Team 7's mouths dropped open in shock in shock that the knucklehead had convinced the leader of Konoha to give them a higher ranked mission.

"Yay!" Naruto fist bumped the air. "Who? A Feudal Lord? A princess?"

"You can see for yourself."

The door opened, a middle-aged man walking in, carrying a bottle of alcohol in hand.

"What's this?" the stranger questioned. "They're all a bunch of brats. Especially the shortest one with the stupid-looking face. Are you really a ninja?"

"Ha!" Naruto scoffed. "Who's the shortest one with the stupid face...?"

He trailed off realizing the man meant him, after taking in the heights of all his teammates. Mai tried to hold back a laugh, snorting instead.

"I'll kill you!"

"You can't kill the client, idiot!" Kakashi pointed out. He gripped at the back of the orange jumpsuit to hold off the Genin from hurting the client.

"I'm the expert bridge builder, Tazuna," the stranger introduced himself. "I expect you to provide me superb protection until I get back to my country and complete the bridge."

Team 7 agreed to the task at hand. Signing the bottom of the scroll before they left the Hokage's building. The Genins were sent to the market in order to stock up on supplies for journey. And met up at the gates an hour later.

"Let's go!" Naruto exclaimed.

"What are you so excited about?" Sakura questioned.

"This is the first time I've been out of the Village before!"

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