Chapter 35

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Those chosen by Shikamaru came to the gate in the time allotted for them to prepare. There were five of them in total, determined for the mission ahead of them. Shikamaru. Naruto. Choji. Kiba and Akamaru. And Neji. This would be the first time performing a mission this important without their senseis.

"Guess we're all here," Shikamaru stated lazily. "Let's begin then."

"Alright, everybody!" Naruto suddenly exclaimed. "Follow me!"

The knucklehead was met with silence as the teammates stared at him mid pose.

"Hey, listen, Naruto," Shikamaru interjected. "You know I happen to be the squad leader? Well, not that it's a big deal..."

Glancing over a shoulder the boy gave him a disbelieving look. "You sure you can handle it? You're not so trustworthy."

"What are you boss-facing about, Naruto?" Kiba said. "But... you're right. It doesn't feel right with us listening to Shikamaru's orders."

"Well, Shikamaru is already a Chuunin!" Choji pointed out. "We gotta listen to what he says. This means that the Village's High Council acknowledged that he qualifies as a leader."

"Tell us the basic strategies and plans then," Neji pressed. "According to what we've heard, there seems to be enemies and possible ambushes."

Shikamaru nodded. "Since this is a rescue mission, we're the pursuers. Which means, it's easy for our enemies to get their first strike on us. So! We'll decide on the squad formation that is most suitable to reacting to sudden strike. If anyone moves on their own and ignores my orders, it might end up killing us all."

Some visibly gulped at the statement, others growing serious due to how real this situation was becoming. Their trust in the Chuunin began to grow instead of fighting for the role of team leader.

"We'll proceed in single line formation," the Nara continued. "First, Kiba will be in the most crucial position of forward scout. You're always traveling throughout the year in the Land of Fire and know the terrain well. And you've got a keen sense of smell, making it easier to track Sasuke. Meaning that it's easier to detect booby traps from the enemies' scent.

"Second is me, the squad leader. I can give orders according to the situation behind Kiba. Anyone behind me can then see my hand signals.

"Third is Naruto. Quick reactions, so it's best to keep you in a position where you can assist both front and back. You'll be the cover and assistance especially since you've got your shadow clones.

"Fourth is Choji. You don't have speed, but you've got the most hit power. Kiba, Naruto, and myself will create openings, and you will charge in to finish the game. You're the striker.

"Lastly, I'll place Neji on the squad's tail. I'll let you handle the most difficult task of rear scout. With your Byakugan, you can always check for the blind spots."

The Chuunin then proceeded to further explain his plan of attack with a diagram etched out into the dirt.

"Take a look at the field of vision you should focus on. Kiba on front, while my sight is at a wider angle. Naruto will cover left, Choji on right, and Neji will take care of the entire rear section. Oh, and I'd like to check our total squad strength. Everyone, let me check you weapons and equipment. I'll finish in three minutes. Any questions?"

When no one spoke up while the Chuunin went around gathering the inventory, he continued,

"Sasuke's not a very close friend of mine, nor is he someone important. However. He's a fellow shinobi of the Hidden Leaf. He is our comrade. This is why we'll risk our lives for him. This is the way of the Leaf. Even someone like me can't goof off on something like this. I'm responsible for all of your lives."

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