Chapter 25

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The ninja in Konoha were scattered and trying to contain the situation. None of them were able to make contact with the Hokage. It became obvious that the Wind Country and Sound had betrayed them. They had developed an alliance, and a deadly one at that for their numbers were growing as they spilled over the walls of Konoha. There had no time for Genma to explain to Sasuke how dire the situation was as they stood side-by-side in the arena. The Chuunin Exam was over. Now it was time to defend their home. There had been one name that stood out in the conversation the Jounin held with Baki, who was Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro's sensei. He stood in front of the three protectively. The name was, Orochimaru. If he was the one in command behind this attack, then their encounter in the forest had been no accident. The sensei ordered the siblings to run.

Baki gave no clear answers to all of this, which made Genma huff and switch tactics. Their top priority was to take out the enemy: the children of the Kazekage, who were trying to escape. Most specifically, Gaara, who seemed to be the most dangerous of them all. The only one who could wipe Konoha out if whatever harbored inside of him broke out. Sasuke's attack had rendered it dormant again. And it was a demon of some kind. Genma had noticed the eye as well through the break in the dome. He charged Sasuke with the task of hunting down the Genin team from the Sand. Until backup arrived. The Uchiha rushed off in pursuit. Baki went to stop him, when Genma forced him back.

Sasuke easily caught up to his targets. They had managed to clear the wall of Konoha, but the weight of carrying an unconscious Gaara slowed them down. He smirked as they came into view. The boy still had enough chakra left to fight them.


Kakashi watched his pupil lunge over the outer wall of the arena to give chase. It was a tall order, to send a Genin into the heat of battle alone. To chase down three targets, even if one had been incapacitated at the moment. There was still a chance he could be roused in order to carry out whatever plan the Sand and Sound had. However, they needed to organize themselves now in order to defend against the ninjas that now surround them.

"A large number," the Jounin mused. The comment caused Gai to hum in agreement.

"It's not just that," Gai said. "The situation is more dire than that. Look within the barrier."

The Jounin's eyes turned up, and upon closer examination the Jounin's eyes widened at the situation. "Orochimaru!"

Sakura and Belva were on high alert as a two-person team of Sand Ninjas attacked. The Genin ducted, and Kakashi sprang into action to protect his student. Standing atop the seats his kunai slashed into the neck, killing them instantly. Even Belva threw a dagger out from under her cloak, sticking a man between the eyes. Slowly, Sakura opened her eyes, noticing what had happened. The man looked at her from between his legs with a grin.

"Sakura, stay like that for a bit," he said. "I'll even the odds a little."

The woman stood beside him. "Well, then I guess it's a good thing that I came prepared," she mused.

Belva reached up to untie the string at the neck. The cloak fell to the ground revealing the weapons belt strapped to the waist, alongside other smaller ones that lined the upper legs and lower arms. She held two short swords at the ready. The sight made Kakashi smirk.

"You never change," he said.

The woman smirked sadistically, and she egged on the enemy ninja. They rushed forward out of anger and embarrassment, clearly underestimating the three before them.

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