Chapter 17

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Everyone watched the board as the names shuffled. Shino Aburame from the Leaf and Zaku Abumi from the Sound were the next pairing. One of the Sound Ninja's arms was in a sling, due to the dislocation of the joints, courtesy of Sasuke. The other had obviously been reset and given a bill of health to not need the support. Shino advised his opponent to forfeit the match in his state. Zaku attacked with one arm. It was a mistake on his part.

Bugs swarmed the Sound Ninjas in an impressive display of the Aburame Clan jutsus. They began to drain the teen in the process of his chakra. In a desperate attempt to free himself and overtake his opponent, Zaku built up a sound attack both palms. Suddenly, the mechanisms on the arms exploded, ripping through flesh in a brutal way. The bugs not only covered the outside of his person, but embedded it into the mechanisms that enhanced his sound attacks. There was no chance for Zaku to fight now. Or even again based on the damage done. Shino was declared the winner as the medical team reentered to escort the injured ninja out on a stretcher. The fight barely lasted five minutes.

A chill ran through some of the Genin at the display.

The third match paired up Misumi Tsurugi from the Leaf and Kankuro of the Sand. Finally, Team 7 learned what had been wrapped up on the Genin's back since their first encounter in the streets of Konoha. It was a wooden puppet. Armed to the brim with weapons and controlled by strings. The display greatly interested the Be Fong. She watched the fight rather intently and wondered just how similar his techniques mirrored that of the Be Fong Clan that once was. Mai knew she had been right to stop his advance on her teammates nearly a week ago.

Kankuro's display and trickery to gain leverage over his opponent was quite impressive for someone of his age. The match was nearly as quick as the last and ended in the Sand Ninja's favor.

During this time, Kakashi had reappeared to join his team. Yet Sasuke wasn't with him.

"He will be fine," the young man reassured his students. "Just resting. Sadly, he will be missing your matches."

Sakura Haruno and Ino Yamanaka were the next names to appear on the board. The fight turned into an all-out war of insults and punches between the two girls. Something about their past involved them proving themselves to each other. Ino even cut her hair much like the pink-haired ninja. And the ruse to distract Sakura nearly worked by using this lapse in judgement to take control using the Mind Body Switch Technique. It nearly caused the Genin to throw the match in the blonde's favor. However, something forced her out and Sakura regained control.

The match even brought down Mai's walls to block out all emotion. To be in control. She cheered alongside Naruto the whole time. The display startled Kakashi, wondering what had happened during the last two exams to change her personality like this. Maybe it was the lack of sleep? Either way, it was a nice thing to see.

Exhausted, Sakura and Ino met head on in the center of the arena and delivered hard blows to each other's faces. The sheer force threw them to the ground. When neither got up, Hayate rushed forward to check. They had knocked each other unconscious. Since neither were able to continue, the match ended in a draw. Neither would advance to the final round of the Chuunin Exam.

"Man, that's bogus after all that," Naruto grumbled.

Instead of being carted out by the medical team, Kakashi and Team 10's sensei, Asuma, picked them up to lay them on the balcony. And wait for them to regain consciousness.

Temari of the Sand and Tenten of the Leaf were picked for the fifth match. Both were skilled at strategy and long-range attacks. Though Temari proved to be the victor when she threw the Leaf Ninja to the ground with bone crushing force. Tenten's back hit the top of the large fan the older teen used as her weapon, the pain knocking her out. The blonde then tossed her opponent away like she meant nothing, only to be caught by her teammate, Rock Lee. That action sparked something in the Lead Ninja. The two began to butt heads and another fight threatened to break out between them until their teams called them back into the stands.

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