Chapter 13

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Chapter Inspiration: Capricorn (A Brand New Name) by 30 Seconds to Mars


"What happened?" the Be Fong questioned.

Her eyes were trained on Sasuke, who cried out again as a new wave of pain washed over him. Sakura then noticed Naruto was now with them as well. When had Mai had time to collect him up amongst the chaos.

"That Orochimaru guy did this," Sakura said. "He was that Grass Ninja from before that encountered the Proctor. But his real appearance came out when Sasuke melted it off. Where have you been?"

"Unconscious a bit further away from here. That attack threw me into the ground, hard. Somehow, I ended up rolling into a hole under a tree and woke only a few moments ago to search for you all."

"That guy is crazy! He ate his scroll to prevent us from getting it and then burned ours once in his possession."

Mai's eyes widened. "Then we need to move–!"

"Well, well, well, what was that just now?"

Mai whirled around, arms up and at the ready to defend them. Orochimaru stood at the far end of the branch they were perched on without a scratch on him. The man eyed the girl curiously.

"You're new. I don't know how my snakes missed you."

"Guess I was lucky," she muttered.

The man grinned. Even with this new face, it still made her skin crawl.

"Mai, be careful," Sakura whispered. "He took down Sasuke and Naruto already."

"I know."

"I was thinking of leaving... But you've caught my interest instead." His face twisted into a sadistic expression. "I'll test you next!" Orochimaru lunged forward.

Mai ran at him head on. To make sure he didn't change his target and try to go after the rest of Team 7 if she dodged. Sakura screamed for her to come back. Before the two clashed, the girl threw her body to the right, falling over the side. Chakra Strings hung onto the opponent, which took him with her, much to his surprise. Though Mai was smart to not hold on for long. She broke the connection and flipped around so her feet caught the bark of another tree. She broke out into a run and Orochimaru gave chase.

Jumping from tree to tree, Mai left explosive tags in her path in an attempt to slow and distract the man.

"That little trick won't do anything!" he stated.

Mai jerked a hand to the side and the ninja smacked into a branch. Growling, he watched her disappear in a puff of smoke. It had been a clone.

The Be Fong hid in the shadows of a tree. Trying to get back her breath and calm down.

Think, Mai, think! Concentrate on your chakra and stretch it out while in motion. Just like Sensei said.

Something moved above. Mai's head snapped up to see Orochimaru scaling down the tree. His tongue lashed out, but the girl was too quick. A hand smacked against the trunk, and she began to circle it on the way down by focusing chakra in the major points.

"You're nothing like the Uchiha who just stood around, barely unable to move," Orochimaru laughed.

He plunged towards the ground swiftly to catch up. Mai pushed off, and landed on another section of wood before he got hold of her. The Genin began running up the surface again. He hissed, lower body catching a branch once the middle extended like a snake to cross the distance, ascending after her.

"You're prey that likes to run and put up a fight!"

Sakura watched a few feet away, nervous for the girl. She was going up against a highly skilled ninja, and was afraid that she'd end up in a similar state to Naruto and Sasuke.

"Sakura..." the Uchiha's voice shook. "Help... Mai..."

"Mai will be fine–"

"I have to... help..."

"You're not going anywhere!"

Sakura turned back towards the trees as another explosion went off.

Please be all right!

Orochimaru grew annoyed that his target was rather good at staying just out of reach.

"Very well then, if you won't slow down, I'll just get a bigger predator to hunt you down. Summoning Jutsu!"

The large snake at his disposal seemed to grow even more. Mai's feet slid against the bark to stop herself, body hurling to the left. Its tail came around seconds later and nearly crushed the girl in the process. Instead, she fell towards the ground till the Genin threw out her hands. The Chakra String wrapped around the fingers caught her in order to swing around. She landed on another branch.

Sweat dripped down the sides of her face as she came to a halt. Breath harsh from running and the amount of chakra she was using. The reptile stood in front of the girl, beady eyes on its prey and coiled ready to strike. Mai closed her own in concentration.

"Go ahead and eat her," Orochimaru stated. "While she is a promising candidate, she will be an annoying one to break. I've had my fun."

"No, Mai!" Sakura screamed.

The snake snapped forward, mouth wide.

The Be Fong's eyes snapped open. Her fingers tensed before she threw the arms up into the air, only to bring them swiftly down in front to cross over one another. The action made the skin bust open, blood oozing from the wounds due to the force. There was a rumbling in the forest. The wood began snapping and cracking. It was deafening. The trees began to fall and slice into pieces, caving in on the enemy in surprise. Mai spun around on the ball of a foot and gripped at another section of Chakra Strings. Ignoring the damaged skin, pulled down again. It made her cry out from the strain. The pieces of falling timber took on a new direction. The sharp and jagged edges head straight towards the vulnerable snake. They skewed it alive, catching Orochimaru as well. The massive snake hissed and thrashed in pain as blood poured from the wounds. It became pinned to the ground. From the amount of destruction, a cloud of dirt covered the lower floor of the forest, obscuring the Genins view.

Orochimaru growled, glaring up at the Be Fong before she disappeared from sight.

Mai rejoined the rest of her team where she'd left them. "Sakura! Let's move!" the girl yelled.

"Right!" she agreed.

Mai picked up Naruto, Sakura following her lead with Sasuke. They ran off into the thick trees, away from the carnage.

Orochimaru took in the corpse of his pet, angered by the events that transpired. He had failed to look into the two females on Team 7 in his efforts to acquire Sasuke Uchiha. And everyone knew of Naruto Uzumaki. The pink-haired Genin didn't show much promise, given that she hadn't done anything remotely helpful for her teammates. As for the black-haired girl... clearly, he had underestimated her. What on earth had caused all of this? He saw no hand sign.

"Damn her," Orochimaru spat.

He wiped blood away from the corner of his mouth. And proceeded to rip out a branch that had run through his gut in the onslaught.

"That little bitch will pay in some way. Mark my words..."

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