𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 34

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"Hola Ricco." Alejandro tells me, as he shoots one of Callister's men down. 

"Shut the fuck up and shoot." I tell him. 

He laughs. 

In the middle of this fucking situation, he laughs.

"I'm the least of your problems man, look at my niece go." He nods towards Grace, who has a gun in her hand.

Where the fuck did she get that? 

"Fuck." I mumble. 

"Have to give it to her man, she's pretty swift." He says and I roll my eyes. 

"Russo, you're making a mistake." Callister yells from his mediocre throne. He looks like a fucking asshole. 

"Man Fuck you!" Alejandro yells at him. 

Most of Callister's men are down and most likely dead. But the asshole himself stands tall and well-short and well he's a short motherfucker. 

"Get your slut's hands off my son!" 

Alejandro's movement stops, as do mine. 

We both turn to Grace who obviously didn't listen to a word Callister said, because his son is free from the chair he was tied to and his fiance is being covered up with her torn dress. 

All by my girl. 

She has a heart bigger than the fucking globe. And I love her for it. 

Women from the crowd rush out to help her and I couldn't help but smile when she picks up her gun and walks towards us. 

"No, stay right where you are Grace." Alejandro tells her. I take a moment away from admiring her and I pick up on what he's saying. 

"Si, we're finishing this." I tell her and she frowns but she walks back to the girl.

But before  Alejandro and I could get to the sick fucker, his son already takes him down to the floor. 

"What is he trying to do?" Alejadro scowls. He looks like he's molesting him. 

"Nessuna idea." (No idea.) I mumble. 

"You're fucking sick!" His son lands a blow to his face. 


"Callister man, I expected more from you." Alejandro tells him. 

"Si, I didn't expect you to be such a fucking pussy." I knock my jaw into his face. 

"Now, I don't have shit to kill you for, but you called my girl  a slut, so I guess that makes you a dead man." I tell him. 

"Si, you don't disrespect my niece." 

"You don't disrespect any woman!" His son knees him. 

"Grey, move out the way." I tell his son. 

"No way, I'm killing him." I laugh. 

"Get out his way kid." 

"If you don't move out my way, you're gonna be dead before your father and I think you want the pleasure of watching his dead body." 

He moves out the way. 

I grab Callister's neck. 

"Grace!" I call her. 

From the corner of my eyes, I see her walk up to us, keeping her distance from the man. 

"Si?" She mumbles, I hear the disgust in her voice. 

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