𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 15

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Five years ago. 

The walls of the house are painful. They lack everything that makes me feel at home. They lack Grace.  I don't smell her perfume, every wall I look at isn't filled with pictures of us. This entire place lacks her. 

My fucking life lacks her. 

"Ricco,meet me in the office in a few hours." My father tells me, closing the door that led to my room. 

I take a look at the dreadful room and decide this isn't for me.   I grab my phone from the bed and call Leo. 

"Miss me already?" he jokes and I roll my eyes. I'd never admit it, but I do miss him. 

"This fuking place is dreadful." I speak into the phone. 

"Oui?" (Yea?) He asks. 

"Si, there's no fucking smell and the walls are so damn bland." I mumble and he laughs. 

"Stop laughing or I'll shoot your ass." I mutter. 

"Man, it's lacking Grace isnt it?" he questions and I hate that he's wrong. 

"No..it's smelling weird and I-"

"Miss her perfume? Damn you two aren't together and you're so whipped." Leo laughs through the phone.

"Shut the fuck up. Get me a new apartment in Itlay." I tell him.

"Sorry to break it you buddy but I'm not you wife." This asshole.

"Leo get the damn apartment."  He chuckles and we discuss a few places. A few hours later and we found an apartment which I will be filling with pictures of Grace because fuck, I miss her. It hasn't even been a week. I can't wait to hold her in my arms again.

End of Flashback. 

"Ricco?"  Grace's mere whisper pulls me out of my thoughts. I turn to see her, a white blanket thrown over her and she stares up at the ceiling of the jet. 


"Did you know Gia wasn't my mom?" she asks me. She hasn't talked about the situation since well, since it became a situation. 

"No. I don't think anyone knew." I tell her, truthfully. I found out the same day she did. 

"Your mom did. I saw her face when we walked through the door last night." She mumbles. She's so good at reading people, yet still, she wouldn't get the damn hint, I'm in love with her. I've always been.

"Quizas." (Maybe) I tell her and her eyes meet mine, ever since I came back, she has looked at me the same way. With a visible wave of uncertainty, as if she's asking herself if she should be talking to me. I hate it. But i damn well deserve it. I left her and even though there wasn't much I could do about the situation, I could have at least called. 

Silence accompanies us until she breaks it. That and my heart. 

"I shouldn't be on this jet with you." She tells me. 

Is she wrong?

"I know." I mumble.

"But I am, so don't screw up you asshole." She mutters lowly and I fight back a smile, she's fucking adorable. 

"I won't Grace, I won't," I tell her pulling the blanket over her so she's completely covered.  


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