25. A Whole New Game.

Start from the beginning

"It is my fault. None of this would be happening to Bellamy if it wasn't for me." Clarke sighed. 

"Bellamy knew what he was doing. He knew the risk of going up against Cage." Octavia shook her head. "This isn't your fault, Clarke." 

"Still, if it wasn't for me and my issues, Bellamy would still be here." Clarke looked down at her hands. 

Octavia grabbed Clarke's hand and squeezed it tightly. She didn't blame Clarke at all, but she knew that nothing she could say would change Clarke's mind. 

"I don't blame you, and I know Bellamy doesn't either." Octavia said softly. "He really cares about you, Clarke." 

"I care about him too. I even told him I loved him." Clarke admitted, a small blush creeping up her cheeks.

"About time." Octavia grinned. "I swear you two were the last ones to figure it out." 

Clarke blushed and lowered her head again. She knew Bellamy cared about her, but she didn't know if her feelings for him were mutual. If they were, wouldn't he have said so when she admitted her true feelings to him? 

"Where's Lincoln?" Clarke asked, changing the subject.

"He's visiting a friend down at the station. He says he might be able to help." Octavia said. 

"Let me know when he gets in touch. I think I might have a plan." Clarke said suddenly, standing up.

If her plan worked, it could be the downfall of Cage once and for all. 

"What plan?" Octavia asked, turning in her seat. 

"Just trust me. I need to go." Clarke said. 

"Go where?!" Octavia exclaimed. 

"Just trust me!" Clarke called out as she grabbed her jacket and her car keys, and then rushed out the car. 


Octavia couldn't stop her legs from shaking as she sat in the cold, plastic chair. Lincoln had called her shortly after Clarke had left, telling her that he'd arranged for Octavia to see Bellamy briefly before he was taken into custody. Thankfully, Lincoln's friend on the force had been willing to pull some strings and make arrangements. However, Octavia was worried that it wouldn't be enough. Bellamy was facing charges for attempted murder. He'd gotten lucky the first time around, his case had been dismissed as self defence. If it wasn't for him, Octavia would have been murdered with their mother. 

But somehow, Octavia didn't think Bellamy would get away as lightly this time. Especially with Cage involved. Cage was hellbent on destroying Clarke and anyone involved with her. Clarke had said she had a plan, but Octavia was still none the wiser about this plan. She just had to trust that her friend knew what she was doing. 

Finally, Octavia was called forward to visit Bellamy. She was lead to an interrogation room, where Lincoln's friend, Officer Finn Collins, informed her she'd have ten minutes. They would be monitored, but Octavia didn't care. She just wanted to see her brother. Finn opened the door and allowed Octavia inside, slowly closing the door behind her. Finally it was just the two of them. Octavia walked slowly towards Bellamy. He had his head in his hands, facing the door, but Octavia's eyes were fixed on the shiny, metal handcuffs attatched to his wrists. 

"Bell?" Octavia said quietly. 

Bellamy looked up sharply and let out a sigh of relief. He stood up from his chair and Octavia hurried over to him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and Bellamy looped his arms over her as best he could with the cuffs on. 

"Are you okay?" Octavia asked, burying her face in his chest. 

"I'm fine. Are you okay? How's Clarke?" Bellamy asked. 

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