It Might Be Heartbreak

Start from the beginning

" you have this person as well?" My mouth's dry, because I'm a smart girl and I'm piecing it together quicker than I want too.

"Yes, your my person Claire." He says and I can't help the small smile that goes to my face, it soon drops at the realization that only I would think about.

"Why did you keep it from me?" He moves his hand down my face gently, holding it there for a moment as the silence pierces the night.

"Because I didn't want to scare you off, to know that I imprinted on you so young, that it made me have to be around you all the time. I didn't want you to think it was too much." There it was, the point where this hurt the longer my thoughts figured it out.

Made, he was made to be around me because of this imprint. It all started piecing together like a puzzle I shouldn't have solved. I always wondered, why he was always around me, became my best friend at such a young age. Why he always the one to come and get me when I went missing, why we were here together in his room now.

I look at him, like I've seen a ghost. My gut is completely ripped, and I finally bring myself to tear his hand from my face. He looks confused, lost even at my sudden change. I stand up, but the tears are already falling.

"Claire, no." I look at him in complete raw emotions pour from my face.

"It wasn't real." I choke out. He's shaking his head immediately, trying to reach for me but I can't take his touch, not while I'm like this.

"The memories, the way you were always there for me!" My voice rises and I can't tell if I'm heartbroken or just angry, maybe both.

"I was led to believe that...that you were just a good guy, that you did it because you cared for me."

"No! No, this is all wrong don't think like that." He begs.

"It is all wrong! You led me to believe my whole life that you were there because you wanted to be! But now," I stop, physically having to hold my hand to my chest to make sure my heart was still there.

"Now you made me believe not just that you loved me, but that you were in love with me."

"I am in love with you Claire." I hated how calm his voice was right now. He knows what I'm thinking by now, but it's too late. There is no redemption for him, no make ups after the fight. This one was like a bomb, one over time that's been hiding and counting down. Tonight, it exploded.

"Your Goddamn wolf is in love with me Quil! You, are just a liar, a liar and a user and I can't...breath...I can't breath here." He reaches out, this time sure on grabbing me but I'm already running down the stairs towards the front door.

To no end, is he standing in front of me blocking my way. Grabbing both of my wrists, he holds me there and I don't fight my body weaker than ever.

"Gods, let me explain it...please." I shake my head, the words seeping into my heart but I soon replace them with cold as my brain takes charge. Moving my head down, I stare at my barefoot feet.

"If you do, if you love me, let me go." He doesn't budge. "I can't fight right now, but I need to be let go, and I need to leave." I am so timid in my strong words.

Finally, to the disappointment I didn't understand why I had, he let's me go and moves from the door. I don't even look at his face as I run out the door, and quickly to my car. Realizing I didn't even have my keys, I start walking. Then a few seconds later, I'm running...running hopefully till I wake up from this nightmare.

'He never cared about you' the worst voice appears into my head and I just run faster. I stop realizing I was on the side of the main road, by myself and bare foot. I quickly take off through the paths I knew well, not well enough in the dark but I knew close enough.

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