Because I Love You

Start from the beginning

"You promised you wouldn't hurt them!" He cried. Reich smiled wickedly.

"I lied,"

America tackled Reich to the ground before he could hurt Mexico any further, and tossed him at a window, which he broke and fell out of. Meanwhile, Hawaii unapologetically engulfed Imperial in lava, knowing exactly who the f*ck she was. There was a sudden calm.

"Mexico... what... what happened...?" America said in a hushed tone, looking around in dismay.

"I'm so sorry... he was going to kill all of you... he said if I helped... he would spare a few but he lied... I'm so sorry.....," Mexico cried, before coughing up blood. Texas kneeled by his former nation, putting his hand over his wound... but the damage was too severe... Mexico went limp.

Florida let out an anguished scream, clutching Louisiana's lifeless body.

New Mexico was saved in time, but he was in a state of utter shock.

New Jersey was helping New York stand, but he was too weak with fear to do much more than just curl up on the floor and scream.

South Dakota was so terrified by his brothers death, and feeling the bullet rip through his head, that he died of shock.

In total, ten states lost their lives in the massacre.

And America was beyond pissed.

(Also I'm not trying to 'canonize heaven' or something, this is just a secular afterlife)

"North?! North!! Wake up!!!" SC exclaimed. NC slowly opened his eyes to see a vast green field, filled with familiar faces. SC hugged NC close, the two of them fusing.

"I'm so sorry........ you have nothing to apologize for...," Carolina whispered to themself, wrapping their arms around themselves.

"Native... this is all my fault-,"

"It's ok Mexico, I do not blame you," Native said.

"W-what now? Are we... are we really stuck here forever...?" Georgia asked.

"As long as he doesn't realize what he can do....," Native said softly...

The next day, everyone was broken. They didn't know where Reich was, or when he'd strike next. Florida was an absolute mess, and Texas made sure to stay by him at all times so he didn't try to join Louis.

"Florida, Louis wouldn't want you to die... he wants you to live a full, happy life...," Texas said, trying to wipe away his friends tears. Florida smacked his hands away and grabbed his laptop. He typed for a moment, before showing Texas what he wrote.

I don't want to. Not without him.

"Please Florida... don't leave me behind... I know It might sound selfish but... I can't lose both of you like this...," Texas said. Florida teared up, and hugged Texas close.

Meanwhile, Wisconsin was sitting in his room with his head in his hands. Mississippi, under the guise of Minnesota, went to check on him.

"Hey... are you... are you ok?" Mississippi asked. Wisconsin chuckled, but it turned to a sob.

"Not in the slightest... no....," Wisconsin said. Mississippi sat beside him and wrapped an arm around him, and Wisconsin leaned onto them and cried.

"I'm so sorry-,"

"It's not your fault.... just... thank you for checking on me... hell, thank you for caring about me at all... honestly, people don't even like me, they just like my healing cheese, that's f*ckin it.... and I failed them yesterday.... I could only save ONE person... I.... god.... why...," Wisconsin sobbed.

"Wisconsin... you're not responsible for saving anyone but yourself, you hear me? It's ok to only save one person, and if that person is yourself, that's ok... and thank you for caring about me even though I.... I....," Mississippi started, very much wanting to tell the truth but realizing this might not be the best time. "I'm a horrible person....," Mississippi said.

"You are not horrible Minnie, stop saying that! Ever since we started hanging out you keep on saying 'I'm evil' or, 'I'm horrible', or 'you'll hate me if you find out the truth about me'.... I don't hate you Minnie, I will never ever hate you!" Wisconsin exclaimed, slightly shouting, and holding Mississippis face in his hands.

"How do you know?! You think you know me! You think you care about me, but you don't!" Mississippi shouted, grasping Wisconsin's arms. They were both peaking emotionally, and were basically just sobbing back and forth in a 'I love you, you should love me not' sort of fashion. Eventually, Mississippi couldn't take Wisconsin's stubbornness anymore.

"Well fine! If you won't hate me I guess I'll just f*ckin... HATE YOU!!! GET AWAY FROM ME YOU- y-you....," Mississippi said, however when Wisconsin just held them closer they couldn't take the tension anymore. Wisconsin leaned in and whispered in their ear...

"I can't hate you, because I love you,"

Mississippi shook their head, but when their lips connected, Mississippi didn't push him away, they pulled him closer. When he broke the embrace, Mississippi immediately had a panic attack.

"Minnie...?" Wisconsin said. Mississippi looked up at him, and fell back, trying to keep their composure. "I-I'm f*cking sorry.... I'm so sorry.... I'm so f*cking sorry....," Mississippi said, hyperventilating hysterically. Wisconsin kneeled in front of them and took their hand. He lead Mississippi to Maine, who sang to them and calmed them down. Wisconsin held their hand tightly.

"Neither of us were thinking clearly just then... wh-when we....." Wisconsin took a deep breath, before continuing ".... I... I really care about you, but let's not call it 'love' until after everything calms down... I can tell we are both not ready for that right now," Wisconsin said. Mississippi just nodded silently, but as he walked away, Mississippi uttered another, silent apology.

"I can't bear the thought of you hating me... because I love you... wether it's as a friend or not doesn't matter to me right now... I just love you,"

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