Mix ups, accidents, and dragons!!

276 10 15

(Warning: implications of self harm)

Idaho was in the ground

Just chillin

Under the earth

Air is for nerds

Meanwhile, Alaska was chilling in the lounge.

Idaho decided to check out the lounge.

Anyway, if you never experienced someone just emerge from the earth, you'd probably scream just like Alaska did.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to spook you!!" Idaho exclaimed.

"WELL YOU DID!" Alaska exclaimed. Georgia rushed into the room.

"Is everything ok? I heard a scream," Georgia said.

"I scared Alaska. Whoops," Idaho said.

"Alaska... are you ok?" Georgia asked.

"Why wouldn't I be? He just scared me," Alaska said.

"You're hurt," Georgia said.

"I stubbed my toe," Alaska said. Georgia knew this wasn't the case, but figured she should confront him later in private.

Meanwhile, Mississippi was just hanging out in the garden, when suddenly Wisconsin walked up to them.

"Hey... do you have Minnies number? I realized I don't have it saved on my phone...," Wisconsin said. Mississippi hummed in thought.

Sh*t... If I give him her number he'll probably text her and she'll hurt his feelings... though I know I'm not personally responsible for their feud, perhaps I could humor him?

"I actually saw her, I'll go get her for you," Mississippi said. They walked away, hid, shapeshifted into Minnesota, and then walked back over to him.

"Hey Minnie! It's a lovely day out, huh?" Wisconsin said.

"Uhh...," Crap, I don't know Minnesota as well as I could to keep up a conversation as her... uhh... "yeah, I like the way the clouds are... uh... still there," nailed it.

"Heh, they sure are! lucky us!" Wisconsin exclaimed. Mississippi smiled, happy that Wisconsin wasn't too questioning, while also super confused as to how this was working.

Meanwhile, Alabama and Michigan were wandering around, trying to find New Jersey.

"Ughhhhh we gotta find him!!!! Ames hoity-toity friends from the city are coming over tomorrow! We can't have America coming home to a crisis!" Alabama exclaimed.

"What do you see? Is there any moving furniture anywhere?" Michigan asked. Alabama looked through a wall, before turning red and looking down.

"That's the bathroom I forgot that's the bathroom hold on I must go pray to the lord," Alabama said, shuffling away.

Meanwhile, New York was sitting under a big tree on a hill. Why? Because aesthetically, it's a great placement for your characters. Especially in film/animation/paintings/other mediums of art. It's such a used and known location, that me merely mentioning it already sets the scene. Now, as an added bonus, I'll describe the weather.

The clouds above were fluffy and dancing, however they were gray, signifying a coming storm. Now to paraphrase George Carlin, this fact does literally nothing when it comes to plot, but because humans love to try and find meaning in everything, the clouds will be twisted into a metaphor about a coming drama.

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