
120 4 21

TW: asshole parents, swearing, talk about rape, racism, homophobia.

This is so fricking long!

Ruby POV:

"Can you stop touching my glasses?" Frida laughed as Heather yet again stole her glasses and put them on herself.

"Why?" Heather laughed as she placed her hands in front of her as if she couldn't see.

"Because I can't see your beauty properly without them," Frida said as she took the glasses and put them back on.

"Aww, how sweet," Heather said and gave Frida a short kiss which soon turned to them sticking their hands up, under the other's hoodies.

"No sex while I make food," Ruby said and hit Heather with a cleaning cloth. "And Boris is laying right there. You don't need to traumatize him after just a month of living."

"Sorry, Ruby," Heather apologized but made no move to move away from the position she was in.

"Sorry, mom," Frida said and stayed in the exact same position as well. Hands up Heather's hoodie and Heather close to her body.

"Had you both been sorry you would not be sticking together like leeches," Ruby said and gestured to their hands.

"You are right. We aren't sorry," Frida said and smiled while pulling Heather any closer if that was even possible.

"Sometimes I wonder if you are my blood daughter with how much you cling to Heather," Ruby said while shaking her head and stirring some food in the pot.

"You are a bad influence," Frida said with a smug smile. She then looked back down at Heather and moved her hands downward.

"Out of my kitchen if you are going to continue that Frida," Ruby said sternly but playful to try to show that she was not mad.

"Fine," Frida said and took her crutches, and walked out of the kitchen with Heather behind her. "Hi there Boris," Frida said on her way out.

Ruby smiled. She had been afraid that Frida might think that they were going to give her less attention and therefore not appreciate her anymore now that the baby was in the picture.

Luckily that wasn't the case. Frida loved Boris and made sure to spend every waking moment with him if she could. Ruby had even caught her asleep on the sofa with him on her chest and a bottle of formula laying loosely in her hand after he had woken up crying.

There was suddenly a knock on the door.

"Did you invite anyone?" Frida asked as she cautiously stepped back into the kitchen, her voice shaking just slightly, you wouldn't be able to catch it if you didn't know her well.

"No, I didn't. I know you don't like visitors, Drago also knows and I believe Heather knows very well that her friends aren't that welcome in our home," Ruby said and quickly turned down the heat on the stove before walking over to the door.

She opened it and regretted it the second she did.

"Oh hello, Ruby!" A chubby woman said and brought Ruby in for a hug she did not want.

"Hello mother," Ruby said and pushed herself away from the woman.

"Ah, that is no way to speak to your parents now is it?" The equally as chubby man asked.

"Last I checked you disowned me and kicked me out for getting pregnant after I was raped," Ruby said and crossed her arms while giving the people at her door a death stare.

"Hi there."/(Modern HTTYD au. Heatherxfemoc)|(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now