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TW: swearing, talk about shooting, and talk about death.

Heather POV:

Heather slowly opened her eyes and squinted at the bright light.

Where was she? What happened?

Heather lightly touched her head and flinched. It hurt a lot.

"Don't touch it," a soft voice said from beside her.

"What happened?" Heather asked as she tried to sit up but a hand stopped her. She looked to her side and saw Ruby sitting there with tear stains down her face.

"Do you not remember?" Ruby asked and a concerned look took over her features.

"I think I do," Heather said and thought back. A painful expression took over her features when she remembered how Grimmel had come into the house. Heather clearly remembered how he had threatened to shoot Frida, and then Drago and Ruby storming out. She hadn't wanted to go out but she had peeked her head out. And then...

"Grimmel shot me," Heather whispered and lifted her hand to touch her head but Ruby carefully took her wrist and lowered her hand.

"It only graced your head, but the wound was deep and you hurt your head on impact with the floor. It had to be stitched, but you will make it," Ruby said and rubbed her thumb over her hand.

"What happened to Frida?" Heather asked.

"She..." Ruby looked to be considering her next words and tears streamed down her face. Heather suddenly remembered that Ruby was a few months pregnant and this could not be good for her. "He took her."

Heather just stared at the ceiling.

"How is Drago?" Heather asked, knowing she couldn't ask more about Frida since Ruby would most likely not have answers.

"With Frida, our Frida. Grimmel shot her after shooting your Frida," Ruby said and looked at Heather.

"What!?" Heather shouted. Frida was shot, both of them! Little Frida was so... Small. She couldn't survive a shot! "How is she?"

"Our Frida was in surgery yesterday and she is ok now. Henry is still somewhat in shock and refuses to leave her side and Drago also refuses to leave her," Ruby said as more tears ran down her face.

Heather stared at her in shock. Henry had seen his sister get shot. His twin sister at that! Tuffnut and Ruffnut always talked about their "twin connection". Heather thought it was real as they had a way more close relationship than any other siblings.

"How long was I out?" Heather asked.

"Three days," Ruby said and whipped her eyes.

"Did you get checked?" Heather asked and gestured to her swollen stomach.

"I did. The doctors said to be a little more careful and that I should try my best not to be in any stressful situations for a while. That is also why I am here as I was way too stressed out and worried when I was with Frida," Ruby said and absently rubbed a hand over her stomach.

Heather sighed and leaned back against the pillow.

"Did you call my friends?" Heather suddenly asked. They would be worried about her for sure.

"A girl named Astrid kept calling you so I answered and said you were in the hospital," Ruby said.

Just at that moment, the door burst open and Drago came in with Astrid and Hiccup behind him.

"Here she is Haddock," he said and gestured to her with an annoyed smile at Hiccup.

"You shot her!" Hiccup shouted and Heather covered her ears.

"Hi there."/(Modern HTTYD au. Heatherxfemoc)|(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now