Chapter Nineteen

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A/N I would like to say before we start this chapter that one of my friends made this chapter so enjoy. Also, if you want to see the full photo just click on it.

Made by: Cidavis

Sydney's POV

I hated Tony. He ruined everything. Because of him, Peter is no longer Spiderman. After that I ran to my room, I closed and locked the door. I ran to my bed face planting in my pillow amd cried. Why was he like this?!?! All this anger was surging through me and I decided I would get up and use my powers In a matter of seconds, things were floating in the air. I had them being thrown around violently and there was glass breaking.

I didn't even notice there were people pounding on my door but once I did, I didn't care. I was so angry. But then my door busted open and viewed Wanda and Pietro. Since Wanda was much more powerful than me. She was able to over come my powers and everything that was floating.

After everything dialed down, I started to get tired and really dizzy and before I could collapse, Pietro sped towards me and caught me. My vision was blurry and they were both calling my name but before I know it, everything was black.

1 hour later

I started to open my eyes and at first it was blurry but after a few seconds, my vision became clear. I saw Wanda above me running a warm wet rag over my forehead and Pietro was in the chair next to me, thinking. I noticed that I was no longer in my room but I was in Wanda's.

"You're awake," Wanda said to me, and also getting Pietro's attention. I groaned and I tried to sit up but Pietro helped me.

"What happened?" I asked as my memory was still foggy.

"You overpower the use of you powers by your anger. You enforced it too much and it made you collapse. You are lucky we got in there in time or else your powers could have killed you. With the strength of mine, I managed to overcome yours and you blacked in Pietro's arms." Wanda explained to me and then I remembered.

I remembered the reason why I was so angry. I was angry at Tony all because Peter and me were dating and he thought that it wasn't safe. What he doesn't seem to understand is that me having powers and living in a family full of superheroes is dangerous. I dont understand how it is any different.

"Thanks guys." I said as I got up and walked out. I also seem to remember what happened about Pietro and Ciera with Steve finding out about them. I walked over to her room and I knocked.

"Come in" I hear her say quietly and I walked in. I saw Ciera on her bed with her knees up to her chest and her looking out the window.

"Ciera?" I said quietly and she looked over at my direction.

"Hi, Sydney. Glad you are awake and feeling better." she said and got up and hugged me which I gladly accepted. We both pulled away we both sat down on seperate bean bags she has in her room on the floor.

"I wanted to come and check on you, after your dad and all." I said and she nodded.

"Yeah, my dad and I aren't really on the best of terms at the moment. It's hard to even look at him knowing he doesn't approve of me being happy. I love Pietro and he makes me happy but it hurts knowing that my dad can't see that." she responded.

I wish there was something I could to help her. "Do you want some time alone?" I asked her amd she shrugged.

"I don't know. I really think you should work things out with Peter." she responded to me and I nodded. I wanted to but I don't want to leave my best friend.

Just then, Thor and Sam walk in. "I agree, Sydney. You should go work things out with him." Sam said.

"Sam here is right lady Sydney. We got this." Thor continued after Sam. I nodded and hugged Ciera once more and left.

I didn't care what Tony thought of Peter and I, I am going to make things right and make sure that Peter becomes Spiderman once more for good and still be together, no matter what Tony thinks.

A/N Thank you everyone for reading it and thank you CiDavis for making it. Have a great day everyone.

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