Chapter Seventeen

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*Sydney POV*

We turn around and see Steve. "Dad let me explain" Ciera says.

"Why would you date Pietro? There so many other nice boys at your school. He's to old for you." Steve says.

Ciera replies with "Well that's my decision to make, dad."

"No, I'm your dad, till your 18 it's also mine."

"You can't make my decisions for me dad."

"If I may but in Steve. I'll take care of your daughter, I promise. Nothings going to happen to her." Pietro says.

"It's not that I don't trust you Pietro, it's that she's in high school, she needs to date people her own age." Steve says.

"Well I already made the decision dad. You can't stop me from dating him." says Ciera.

Steve says "I can and I will you two are done." Then he walks out.

Ciera gets upset and runs to her room. Pietro runs after her. Wanda says "This is probably a bad time but somebody is calling you." She hands me my phone and walks out.

I look down and see that Peter's calling me. I answer the phone and say "Peter, I'm sorry but this isn't the best time to talk."

"I'm sorry but I need to talk to you it won't take long, I promise." Peter replies.

"It's fine, what do you want to talk about?" I say.

"Well, umm, somebody might have found out and the same person might want to tell Tony."

"What!!!!!!!! Peter, what happened?"

"I don't know."

I then hear Tony calling my name. I say to Peter "Well, I think Tony found out. I'll talk to you later."

"Ok bye, I love you."

"I love you too." I hung up the phone.

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