Chapter One

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A/N Sorry this is gonna be really bad. This is my first time writing a story and my best friend is helping me. If you have any pointers or ideas let me know.

Me and my siblings are under the bed. The house just collapse and there is a Stark Industries bomb right in front of it. It isn't going off. It's been two days.

"Sydney! Sydney!" Ciera is trying to get my attention.

"Yea, What's up."

"Class is over. Are you ok?"

"Yea, I'm fine don't worry about?"

We head to lunch. We sit with Peter and his group of friends.

"Hey Sydney, are you ok? I noticed how you weren't quite there in science." MJ says.

"Oh, yea I'm fine don't worry about it"

"Are you sure?" Peter ask.

I turn to Peter "I'm fine." I kinda yell.

Ciera says "Sydney you know you can tell us anything right?"

I yell "I'm fine."

"Ok Sydney, we understand that your fine." Ned says.

"I'm sorry for shouting." I say.

Everybody says that's it's ok. We eat lunch then go to our next class.

*Ciera POV*

I'm walking to class and I'm thinking "Sydney doesn't seem fine but she says she is. I guess I'll just forget about it." Ciera shakes the thought out of her brain.

*Peter POV*

I'm walking to math but my brain well not let me forget about what happened. I wonder if she's ok? She doesn't seem ok? Ciera would know if she's okay but I don't have this class with her.

I walk in to class and sit down. Class starts soon after but I can't stop thinking about it. Sydney's never done that before, some things definitely up. Then I get hit by something and I look up to see Flash about to hit me with another paper ball.

"Hey Parker, heads up." Peter gets hit with another paper ball.

"Flash can you stop please? I'm thinking about something important."

"Oh what you thinking about loser?"

"None of your business."

Flash throws another paper ball at Peter and says "Is it about one of your stupid, awful, idiots of friends?"

"FLASH THOMPSON!!! Detention after school today!" The teacher says. Flash turns around and gives Peter a death stare before turning back to the teacher.

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