Chapter Six

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A/N I'm sorry if it gets confusing, I'm gonna skip around in this chapter.

It's now science class and the teacher put the students in to groups. The groups are Sydney, Peter, and Ciera and the other group is Ned, MJ, and a girl Sydney and her groups of friends don't know.

*Sydney POV*

We get in to our groups and were doing our work when Peter says "You guys want to work on this at my house around 8."

"Sorry we can't Peter." I say with a sad voice.

"Oh right you guys have chores sorry." Peter says.

"Right chores." Ciera says.

We continue working on our project in till class ends. We go to lunch. I'm thinking "Why can't I be normal. I would love to work on the project with Peter. I would love Peter to walk me home but no, my life can't be normal."

*Ciera POV*

I look at Sydney and just see her sitting there. I wonder what she's thinking about.

"Sydney! Sydney!" I say.

She looks at me "Yea, what do you need Ciera?"

"Nothing, don't worry about it."


*Sydney POV*

Lunch ends and the rest of the day goes by slowly. It's the end of the day and I'm waiting for Ciera when I see Peter walking up to me. "Hey Sydney, may I walk you home today." he says.

"No, sorry. I gotta wait for Ciera then we need to be home quickly."

"Oh, ok, see you tomorrow then."

"See ya."

Peter walks away and Ciera comes up to me and says "Are you ok?"

"Yea let's just get home."

We walk home.

A/N Sorry if that was confusing but the next chapter or the chapter after that will be more interesting.

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