Chapter Eleven

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*Sydney POV*

Right before Peter and me go inside, Peter says "Are you ok? The other day you didn't seem like you were. Also, did you get hurt?"

"I'm good, it was just a bad day. No, I did not get hurt. Did you get hurt?"


As soon as we get inside I feel arms wrap around me. "I'm so happy your not dead" says Ciera.

"Hey, she's my sister." I feel more arms wrap around me.

"Hey, get off me please. I'm fine. You all just saw me" I say.

Wanda and Ciera let go of me. "Thank you" I say.

Tony says "Sydney go upstairs and get ready for bed."

"What? Why? I don't need sleep."

"Sydney go get ready for bed."

"Fine. Goodnight everyone."

I go upstairs.

*Peter POV*

"Why did you send her to bed. It's only 7" I say.

Tony says "because I need to talk to you about her."

"What about her Tony?" Wanda says.

"I don't want Peter around Sydney" says Mr. Stark.

"What? You can't do that." Ciera says.

"You know as well as I do Tony, that will break her" Natasha says.

"I still don't want Peter around Sydney" Mr. Stark says.

"Please Mr. Stark. She's my friend. You can't stop me from seeing her" I say.

"If you talk to her then your done with superheroing and I mean it" Mr. Stark says.

"Fine, I won't talk to her. I'm gonna go home through. Good to see all of you, bye." I leave the Compound.

A/N Sorry I have not post in so long. I was busy with school and honestly I forgot about this. I'll try to post more often.

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