Chapter Fourteen

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Peter just left the compound. He's swinging home after Tony told him to stay away from Sydney.

*Peter POV*

"How am I supposed to not be around Sydney? I love her, also we have a project. What am I going to do"? I feel tears starting to role down my face. I quickly wipe them away, I don't want Aunt May to see me crying.

I walk into the apartment and May looks at me and ask "What's wrong, your crying?"

"Nothings wrong." I say.

"Well something wrong or you wouldn't be crying so start talking."

"Mr. Stark told me to stay away from Sydney."

"I'm so sorry Peter."

"I doubt they told Sydney, so she's going to think I hate her." I start to feel more tears running down my face. Aunt May pulls me into a hug and I break down crying.

*Sydney POV*

I'm on my way over to Peter's. "He can't stop talking to me, he won't stop talking to me. Peter won't listen to Tony. He's one of my friends he can't just stop being my friend. I just got to talk to Peter. I'm almost to his apartment anyway."

I knock on his door and not long after Aunt May opens the door and says "Hello Sydney, what are you doing here?"

"I would like to see Peter please."

"Of course, come on in."

I walk inside and see Peter. It looks like he's been crying. I say "Hey Peter, I heard about what Tony said. Please don't leave me I couldn't take that."

"It's nice that you heard but please leave, Sydney." Peter says.

"Please Peter, please don't leave me." I say as I feel a tear role down my face.

Peter says "Sydney please leave." as a tear roles down his face.

I walk closer to him and wipe the tear off his face when he grabs my wrist. Peter looks down at me and says "Sydney, I love you, I really do but you need to leave."

I'm in shock. Did he just say I love you to me? I need to answer him. "Fine, I'll leave." He let's my hand go and I start to walk out.

I open the door then look back at Peter an say "I love you too. I always have and always will." Then I walk out.

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