Chapter Sixteen

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3 weeks go by, Sydney and Peter are trying to hide there relationship from Tony while Ciera and Pietro are trying to hide there relationship from everyone. Currently Sydney is sitting in Ciera's room with Ciera and Pietro.

*Sydney POV*

"When are you guys going to tell everyone?" I ask.

Ciera says "If my dad finds out Pietro's dead."

"Well your going to have to tell him sooner or later. He'll be in rage if he finds out on his own. At least tell Wanda, she won't be very mad if at all." I say.

"Yea, I can't see Wanda getting mad about this. She'll more just be really happy." Pietro says.

"Ok, let's go tell Wanda then." Ciera says.

All three of us get up and go to Wanda. We find her in her room. Pietro says "Hey Wanda, can me and Ciera tell you something?"

Wanda says "Of course."

I sit down next to her and Ciera and Pietro sits across from us. Pietro says "Wanda, me and Ciera are dating."

Wanda replies with "Omg, I'm so happy for you guys. When did you guys start dating?"

"Four weeks ago." Ciera says.

I reply with "What, I didn't know for a week."

Pietro says "Yup."

"Just don't tell my dad please. He doesn't know yet." Ciera says.

All of a sudden we hear a voice behind us that said "Well now he does." We all turn around and see Steve.

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