Everything went as we assumed. I gave my papers and it went well and finally I was free. Walking through the hallway I was admiring the building since it was typically my last chance to acknowledge the place where I got my degree from.

I suddenly remember that I left my phone in the locker. So, I hurried back before the campus gets empty although most of the students already left the campus to celebrate their freedom. When I pulled out my phone I slammed shut the locker, totally unaware of a person who injected something on my nape that made me uncousious.

And when I opened my eyes I was tied up, hanging in the air with the help of a crane above a skyscraper which was 60 ft tall. I did wiggled but it was a bad move since the rope wasn't that strong and I heart really dropped down for the sake of my life.

"Finally you woke up." I heard a girl who was the same woman I bumped into the laboratory. I glanced at the terrace where a group of familiar gang where standing. "Drop her down." She commanded and finally I was going down in the terrace. As soon as my shoes touched the surface I was grabbed by two bulky guards who dragged me to a pole and tied me against the cold metal.

"Leave me! What do you want?" I screamed.

"I am Dr. Olivia Rodriguez, senior surgeon in Hybrid control organization. And as you know we work illegally since you saw us, more like spied on us." She scoffed before pulling out a gun and pointing it on my head.

I stared in her eyes and said," I don't care what you do. Just fukk off. I have a flight to catch because am not interested in your filthy work."

"Tsk! Last time Jungkook saved you or I would've killed you on site. I let you go because of him. That's why you aren't yet changed into an hybrid." She raised my chin with the help of gunpoint and pressed the nozzle brutally into my skin.

She was losing her calm, which was an advantage for me. I smirked and said," You like him, don't you? That's why you let me go but why am I here? He will know about it."

"Too bad he still wants you. He's making a fuss since you ran away and blames on us that we scared you off from experiment. He's suffering and that's why I decided to end his suffering. Goodbye, Y/N.

I panicked when I saw her aiming her gun on my forehead." Wait! What will you do with me in the experiment?"

She became irritated and scoffed before she said," Huh! You're not even worth of being experimented. You see, hybrids are not born but transformed and we are looking for a way to reproduce them. So, if we operate you, you can be the first to give birth to a baby."

She paused for a whilewhile then clenched her fists.

"But he protested when we told him about you sleeping with another hybrid. What's the problem in it? You will be a lab rat. Then why he cares for you? Why you! It's not fair. You're a human."

I asked, "Aren't you a human too?" She smirked. Shaking her head sideways she said," I'm a cyborg."

'That's fascinating' I thought but immediately struggled off that because right now she declared to end me.

"I absolutely don't want him. I was on my way to leave the country if only you hadn't kidnapped me. Let me go, I really don't want to get involve in this drama anymore. He lied and I hate liars." She scrunched her nose and kinnted her eyebrows in annoyance.

Meanwhile, I wiggled once more but felt the ropes getting loose. My eyes widened when I felt that while others stood there listening to the cyborg who was currently insulting me and complimenting herself.

My heart skipped a beat when cold metal got wrapped around my wrists. "Clever girl found a way to escape, huh?" She said with a scoff. 'Oh fuck! I would've escaped if she didn't noticed.' I thought before harshly yanking the ropes off, irrespective of how they left blood oozing bruises. I pushed her hard and till her men went to help her I ran away.

"Chase her." She commaded and I dashed into the elevator and like those typical movies the door shut close on their face. Thankfully I was safe but until when? The only way they had was to use the stairs as I went down. I calmed myself with positive thoughts and decided to hide since I was in an unknown neighborhood.

As soon as the doors got open I rushed out of the building and ran into the alley because main road was spacious enough for someone to spot me.

I ran through the narrow path, horrified because I didn't knew for how long I could survive. As expected they were coming closer due to their shouting it was evident that they were around the corner.

Double update! 😉
Do you think Y/N could forgive jk in any circumstances? If yes then how?
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FUSION || Completed✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang