1. Not all that glitters is gold

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Science has developed more and evolved itself. Knowledge was never bad until it fell into wrong hands. The same happened in Seoul and biotechnology was one such process.

The manipulation of living organisms by the human race was done, without regulation. Going beyond the morality, the biological significance of such things started affecting all activities. Genetic modification of organisms brought unpredictable results when such transgenic hybrids were introduced into the ecosystem.

A chaos was going on into this illegal market of darkness. A place where hybrids were chained like dogs in nasty rag jute clothes. They were sold like slaves which were sold to their buyer on condition that the hybrids would do anything that their masters would order. They were obliged to follow that no matter what if they wanted to live their life. They didn't had a happy life but they didn't wanted to lose the only chance to get reunited with your lost family members.

All the people who weren't able to pay back the revenue were sold to scientists by the government. Kids, women and men, everyone were equally discriminated. Married or not they were forced to go through the transition chamber to turn into the animal with closest personality. Once they transformed with new DNA they were freezed into the ice slab until their body accepted the new metabolism.

Strict laws were formed at extreme level that were irrational to anyone but no one dared to speak against powerful people who ruled over the Korea. Some of the rules made by men were so disgusting such as the slave had to obey every single thing their owner would ask them to do, if not then they would be given punishments.

The dirtiest secret behind the large number of slaves were the high amount slavery revenue which was barely paid by anyone unless they had a firm job.

Unfortunately most of the slave were either turned into war machines or sex toys for pleasure and the rest lived their lives like a servant or as a pet, just like an accessory.

The current government formed sold all the hybrids in the big bazaar across the river. It happened only around midnight. It was called 'the hour of glitter' because it was the time when bazar was showered with money and gold. The biggest auction owned the petition over the slave while a pre-reservation had its own terms and conditions.

The twinkling series lights were decorated above the narrow path while the surrounding looked like the market in movie 'Alladin.' The foul smell of flesh, blood and drugs lingered in the air as I squinted my eyes to supress the nausea. It was unbearable to handle but still I was, here, in the bazar.

My eyes roamed around to the cages were in every cage I saw subconscious slaves entrapped. In one cage I saw a woman against the rods of the cage while the trader was lifting her jute dress to show her intimate skin to the buyer. It was inhumane, beyond the humanity. My eyes got filled with anger when I saw that woman to do nothing but squeeze her eyes and get it over as soon as possible.

I wondered how many whips she had on her body because the way red lines flashed on her face only proved the cruelty of restricted chambers to handle the aggressive slave who stood up for themselves. She was one of them but watching her getting sold in front of my eyes made me run to help her.

But before I moved an inch my wrist was held, being stopped to make a move. I turned to Choi Jiyeon. She shook her head and dragged me ahead of that particular cage in an abandoned alley while her bodyguards followed. I yanked my wrist off her grip and said," I was about to help her. Why did you stopped me?"

She crossed her arms and looked at me."Don't be stupid. If they found a commoner like you, without a green pass then they would throw you out and turn you into a hybrid too," said Jiyeon with concern. I looked into her eyes and said," C'mon! I didn't wanted to come here either. I hate this but I have just came because it is your birthday."

"Yeah, I know but if you get caught that would risk my father's position in assembly. One stupid mistake and tomorrow morning would become a dream. Let's just move on so that I peacefully buy my new slave and go back home."

She walked ahead followed by me. I nudged her and asked," What happened to the last one?" She rolled her eyes nad said," That jhope wasn't able to satisfy me so I sent him back to the missionary. I want someone to fulfill my sexual drive so I want another one."

" Why are you being so choosy? You sh-"

" Stop that lecture, okay? You are my friend so I brought you here, that doesn't mean you would tell me what to do. I have needs Y/N! What's the problem if I get myself someone who would hold me close whenever I would want? To feel love and care, to know myself better. I don't care if he dominates me or become submissive because at the end I'm gonna be the boss at home."

She was literally a princess unlike me who worked her ass off. Having slave was one of the luxury that rich people enjoyed while more than half of my salary went to per month revenue. Living in a small apartment was just the peak of the iceberg.

"Come to earth, Lee Y/N?" I was shoom by arm. Jiyeon looked at me and said," Don't daze at midnight. It's about the time I select my next slave, so if you want one then you can tell me. I will get you a major discount in the payment since I am buying myself one."

"Aren't you guilty?" She shook her head, clasping her hand in joy. She said," I am absolutely excited. Today a new batch of slaves are going to be displayed, people around the world are coming to see this one because I heard that it is one of the best."

I slightly scoffed at her statement. Bullshit it was to even gather for something this evil. She smiled like a kid on the run to buy its favorite candy while I felt guilty to even be here. But she was my friend and there were times when she paid my bills. Her pocket money was equivalent to my one month house rent, clearly rich as af.

I followed her because there wasn't a option for me to run away as it was the first time she asked something from me, that is, accompanying her in the bazar to help her select a good hybrid.

Soon we reached a massive cage filled with a dozen of hybrids. Jiyeon stepped inside and started discussing with trader since she had an pre-reservation. She shortlisted few of them while I was standing outside the cage gazing at how cruelly the other cage owners were whipping those slaves who went against them.

Jiyeon was continuously rejecting those among her list until she would settle at one of them. I did not bothered to check at her choices as I was already disgusted with the mere idea of slavery. Crossing my hands I leaned over the metal rods of cage to rest but then I heard something unexpected.

"Y-Y/N? Is... Is that really you?"

I jerked away from the cage. Whirling my head with wide eyes I got the biggest shock of the century. I knew that weak voice. I knew that person who was none other my high school bully. Jeon Jungkook had been the most indescribable chapter of my life which I thought had long ended after graduation.

He wrapped his palms around the rods while he dragged his limping body towards me. His messy bangs dangled down, hiding his black patch on his eye. He was badly bruised because he had dried blood stains almost all over his body. His cheeks had deep cuts, knuckles seemd to ripped apart any movement while he was in a smelling jute sack.

I gulped watching the heartthrob of the campus encaged with other eleven hybrids. He inched closer as tears started rolling down his cheeks. He was helpless and definitely struggled to make words when he saw me after so many years.

On the other hand I was watching that strong bunny, now shivering and shaking wih fear. And did I mentioned he had a pair of mammalian fur ears on his head? His long, fluffy wolf tail brushed across the floor when he wagged it for me. He gulped the lump of saliva, moving his Adam's apple then begged me.

"Save me, Y/N. Please, help me. I don't want to stay here. They... They torture me very badly."

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