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Jasmine Pov:
I got dressed for school and I went downstairs. I saw Ricky and my dad on the couch. "What's going on?" I asked them. "What were you thinking?" He yelled at me. "What are you talking about?" I said. "You was cutting yourself...and you almost ended your life!" He said, getting mad. I looked at Ricky but he didn't even look at me. "I'm taking you to mental Rehabilitation and You're also grounded for life, Maria, please get her stuff ready" he said. "Why Jasmine?" Ricky's eyes got watery.

"You wanna know why..I'm tired of school, I hate my friends, I hate everything about my entire stupid life, so you can ground me dad, and you could yell at me! And you could do whatever the hell you want because honestly.. I wish I was dead. I don't feel anything anymore. And you wanna know the best part? I don't even care" I said, leaving my house.

"Jasmine! Jasmine wait!" Ricky grabbed my arm.
"What Ricky!" I said. "Im sorry for telling your dad, but I was really worried you were gonna do it again" he said. "You promised me Ricky, I thought you cared about me" I said.

"That's why I told your dad, cuz I care about you Jasmine" he said. "No, all you did was send me away" I said. "Rehab is gonna really help you" he said. "Fuck off Ricky" I said. "Im not giving up on you, not again. Im gonna help you, and be there for you Cuz I love you. And that's what people do for the person they love. So you're not getting rid of me..ever, it's me and you for life" he said.

We walked back inside, and Maria brought my suitcase down. "Let's go Jasmine" Dad said.
Maria came up to me and she kissed my cheek.
"I'll see you soon mi niña" she said. We walked outside and I got in the back seat. My dad and Ricky were in the front talking.

We got there and there were three ladies outside.
We got off and my dad got my suitcase. "You must be Jasmine" she said. "How long am I staying here" I asked my dad. "Two weeks" he said. "Two weeks?!" I said. "Don't start" he said.

I rolled my eyes and they told me to follow them.
"Aren't you gonna say bye to us" my dad said. I looked at them and I just walked inside the building. "You're gonna enjoy it here" the lady said.

She took me to the room I'm staying. "Come on let me show you around" she said. "Nah, I rather stay in here" I said. "Oh ok, I'll come and check on you later" she said closing the door.

Ricky pov:
I felt terrible leaving her there but if this is gonna save her life then it's worth it. I wiped my tears.

"You okay?" Luis said. "Yea, I just feel bad leaving her there" I said, wiping my tears.
"Yea, I know, but we can go visit her whenever we want" he said. "Really?" I said. "Yea" he said.

I was really happy that they allow us to visit her. First thing tmr, ima go visit her.

"Uh, I think I left my phone at your house" I said.
"Don't worry, we can pass to my house really quick" he said. Once we got there, I got off, and I knocked on the door.

"Hi Ricky, come in" Maria said. "Thanks...I left my phone here" I said. "Oh yea, I left it on the kitchen counter" she said. I followed her to the kitchen and she gave me my phone. "Thank you Maria" I said.

"Your welcome" she said. "Bye Maria" I said.
"Bye mijo, take care" she said. I got in the car, and he took me home. "Thank you sir" I said.
"I'm only 34, call me Luis" he said laughing.

"Ok, thank you Luis" I said, getting off the car. "Bye Ricky" he said, and I watched him leave.

By the way you're safe with me ❤️‍🩹 RickyfloresWhere stories live. Discover now