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Jasmine POV:
"Is it gonna be Alex...or me" he said. I didn't say anything, and I just stared at him with tears.
"I guess you made your choice" he said, opening the door. "Ricky wait" I said, getting up from the bed. "What!" He said. "I'm sorry" I said.

"Nah, don't be, it's my fault for thinking you really wanted to be with me" he said. "Ricky, please" I cried. "You don't understand how much I love you" he said. "You-you love me" I said.
"Yes..I'm in love with you Jasmine" he said, leaving the room.
I sat on the bed processing what he just said to me. He loves me and I just broke his heart. I hate myself.

*1 hour later*

I got my luggage, and I went downstairs. "I can't believe you're leaving, you just got here" Ana said, hugging me. "Yea I'm know, It was nice meeting y'all" I said, leaving the house. I got in the Uber, and I went to the airport.
I got in the plane, and I just stared out the window.

I got off the plane, and I saw my dad waiting for me. "Hi dad" I said. "You wanna tell me why you decided to come back" he said, driving. "No" I said. We got home, and I went straight to my room.

I sat on my bed, and I started crying. My door opened, and I saw Andrea standing there with a smirk. "Aww, are you crying" she said, standing in front of me. "Get out" I said, standing up.
"I love it when you're sad" she said. "I said get out!" I said. "I don't see what Ricky sees in you, you're fat, ugly, and such a cry baby" she said, closing the door.

Ricky POV:
It was the next morning, and I didn't feel like doing anything. I just want to stay in bed the whole week. I checked my phone to see if I had any messages or phone calls from her, but I didn't.

"Ricky get up" I heard my dad say. I ignored him, and I continue using my phone. "Ricky....Ricky!" He yelled. "What!" I yelled back. "Get ready, we're going to the mall" he said. "No, I don't wanna go" I said.

"Why not?" He said. "Cuz, I don't feel good" I lied. "Stop lying and get ready" he said. "I said no!" I say, getting annoyed. "FINE" he said, walking away.

I heard my dad and Ana leave, and I went downstairs to get something to eat.
"Morning Ricky" Teresa said. "Uh, Morning" I said. "You want me to make you something to eat" she says. "No, thank you, I'll just eat an apple" I said, grabbing one. "You sure" she says.
"Yes" I said, going to the living room.

"You okay" Teresa said, sitting on the couch.
"Yea, why" I say. "Cuz I heard you and Jasmine argue" she says. "Yea, I'm good" I say. "Ricky, fight for her, don't let anyone stop you for fighting for someone who you love" she says.

"What's there to fight for, she doesn't love me back" I say. "How you know" she says. "Cuz she picked her cheating ass boyfriend, instead of me" I say. "What would you do if you were in Jasmines situation" she says. "If my girlfriend was cheating ofc I would choose Jasmine" I say. "It's not that simple" she says. "Wym?" I say. "Look, before I started dating my husband, I was in an abusive relationship, my boyfriend would threaten me if I ever leave him, so It took me a while for me to leave him" she said.

"So, you're saying It might be a possibility she might be getting threatened by her boyfriend" i say. "It's a possibility" she says. "No, i don't think so, Jasmine just used me, she don't love me" I shook my head. "Ahi Mijo, you really need to open your eyes" she says. "Huh?" I say. "You saw the bruise she had on her stomach" she said.
"Yea, she got hurt when she was at her cheer practice" I said.

"And you believed her" she said. "Well yea" I said. "Ricky, this girl needs your help, don't just leave her like that, this girl loves you, but she's afraid to tell you because of her boyfriend, You need to save this girl" she says leaving the living room.

By the way you're safe with me ❤️‍🩹 RickyfloresUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum