Bucky cleared his throat and picked up what had been Pietro's marshmallow stick.

"What do you think of your fresh start so far?" He asked curiously.

When he'd come back from Hydra, Steve had been there to do everything to make sure he got a fresh start, now he watched Pietro do the same for Savannah.

"It's good," Savannah smiled. "It's really good, I haven't felt like this since... well ever."

Bucky smiled at her words, he was glad to hear that she was happy.

"I've been meaning to ask what happened with Hydra, by the way, I mean how exactly did you end things?" he asked.

Natasha and Bucky had talked about it, both were happy that she was no longer part of Hydra, but both knew that if she ended things the wrong way then Hydra was likely to go after her.

Two weeks ago:

Rumlow sighed as he opened Savannah's office door again. He'd spent the whole day training the new agents and now all he really needed was a jet to take him to a bar somewhere.

He took out the files of the agents that had been killed on their last mission and put them in a pile, making a mental note to burn them later.

A silver envelope was sitting on the desk, black words spelled out his name on the top.

Rumlow hesitated before reaching out for the envelope and taking out the paper that was inside.

It was a letter addressed to him in black writing, from Savannah.


Dear Jackass,

If you're reading this it means I finally got my shit together and am now trying to live a better life. Anyways, I've been doing a bit of thinking and I've decided that I don't want this anymore, Hydra I mean. You're probably thinking up a lecture to give me about how this is my responsibility and I need to work for it. But I'm done working, I was forced into this kind of life at too young of an age and now I want to take back the life I never got to really live. That's not to say I won't kill you if you piss me off because we both know I will, but I won't be coming back to this base or any Hydra base as your leader ever again.

I don't want to sound too mushy but I found people that make me happy, and I think I can do better in life, I want to do better.

You'd probably consider me a traitor after what you just read, I know Hydra's tradition is to go after and kill traitors. But we both know you'd never survive a fight against me.

I'm leaving on good terms with you and Hydra, but should you ever try to come up against me, I will kill you, we both know I can.

Hydra is no longer my problem or my responsibility. Do with Hydra what you will, but in a fight between Hydra and the Avengers, well I wouldn't be siding with Hydra, keep that in mind.

I know you've been with Hydra a long time, but if you ever did want a way out, you know who to call.

Until next we meet,



Rumlow stared down at the letter, reading it a few times over in his head before looking up.

He sighed and rolled his eyes before muttering to himself, "I don't get paid enough for this."

Present time:

Savannah grinned to herself before turning back to answer Bucky's question.

"I took care of it, you don't need to worry."

Bucky looked at her for a moment before nodding and turning back to his marshmallow.

He didn't need to ask any more questions, he trusted her.

Savannah took the marshmallow off the stick and Bucky helped her place it on a graham cracker with some chocolate.

"It's good," Savannah smiled after taking a bite.

"Are you gonna sit there all night or are we going to go swimming?" Savannah turned at Wanda's voice.

She was standing behind Savannah with her arms crossed.

Savannah turned back to Bucky who gave a slight motion with his head, telling her to go.

Savannah smiled before jogging with Wanda to the shore.

Pietro and Peter joined the two at the water's edge, Pietro put his arm around Savannah's shoulders while Peter and Wanda started splashing each other.

Savannah sighed and Pietro looked down at her, he smiled when he saw she was already smiling.

Savannah felt good.

She was with her family, the people she cared about, and she was happy.

Her fresh start had only officially begun two weeks ago and it was already turning out to be better than she ever could've imagined, she was happy.

Savannah frowned when water hit her face.

She turned to see Peter running away into the water, laughing his head off.

Savannah couldn't stop herself from laughing a little before she stretched out her arms and chased Peter toward where the sun had officially set.

Her life had turned up for the better, and Savannah couldn't wait to see what else she'd be able to do with her fresh start. 

A/N: So... there's only one more chapter left. 

I've been posting these chapters for so long that it feels weird that it's ending. 

Make sure to read the author's note in the next chapter!

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