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Is evil something you are? Or something you do?

To say that Natasha was displeased with Savannah, would be a big understatement.

She wasn't... upset, per se​​ but the first thing she did when Savannah entered the tower again was quite literally drag her ass all the way to the medbay where she wouldn't let Savannah move until Bruce had made sure everything was healing correctly and she hadn't opened any wounds.

After that, Natasha pulled Savannah by the arm all the way to the kitchen where she said they were going to have a "family talk"... whatever that was supposed to mean.

On the way, Savannah was met with Wanda who gave her an apologetic look and said that they'd tried to cover for her by saying she was in the shower but after Bruce pointed out that she wasn't supposed to shower with the bandages on, their cover was blown.

Now Savannah was sitting at the kitchen table, Natasha and Bucky sitting in front of her.

Bucky was glancing from Natasha to Savannah, unsure of what he should be doing.

Both girls looked very intimidating at the moment, so ​​he thought it safer to keep a low profile...

Sam had also been in the kitchen, but when he saw the looks on both Natasha and Savannah's faces, he ran like hell.

"So, Savannah" started Natasha, in a voice that told Savannah damn well that she was in trouble. "What were you doing?" she asked in a calm voice that made Savannah's spine tingle.

"My job" she answered simply.

Seriously, she didn't see a big deal with it. It's not like she'd gotten into a fight or something, she just went to check on things.

Okay, maybe she should have waited more than a few hours after surgery to fly across the world but still, nothing bad had happened.

"Savannah your health is more important than anything," said Natasha, looking at Bucky who nodded once in approval.

Savannah almost rolled her eyes. 

"I'm perfectly healthy," she informed them.

"Tell that to the two dozen stitches in your body, Bruce says you shouldn't even technically be walking yet"

Savannah looked away.

It wasn't a big deal.

Pierce had never cared how healed she was.

"If you can walk, you can fight"

That's what Savannah grew up learning.

It didn't make sense to her that now she was being told to wait until she was completely healed to be doing things.

Sure, there was a very good chance that if Pierce had asked her to go on a mission today, she would've said yes.

But that's who she was, Savannah was a reckless person.

"Kill first, ask questions later"

That was the kind of person she was. 

"Savannah this isn't just another mission, it's over, it's done. You won. You don't have to follow Pierce's rules anymore" Natasha said, trying to get her daughter to understand what she was saying.

Little Princess  (An Avengers/ P.M. fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat