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If happy ever after did exist, I would still be holding you like this.

Savannah left the house before the sun even came up.

She wanted to see her room in the Avenger's tower one last time, she wanted to see Jasper in case this was her last chance, she wanted to say something, anything, to her bio parents.

But what would she say?

What does one say to their parents when they may not live to see the next day?

Savannah hadn't been able to decide between the thousand options her mind came up with. This resulted in her sitting on her bed in the Avenger's tower with Jasper cuddled up on her lap, sleeping peacefully.

She had half an hour.

Half an hour and then she had to go back to Russia.

She had half an hour to say goodbye to the Avengers and yet, she hadn't even told them that she was back.

She hadn't said anything to Peter or Wanda before leaving the beach house. They had both been asleep and Savannah hadn't wanted to wake them.

She had her goodbye with Pietro last night, not that either of them had actually said goodbye, but Savannah believed it was good enough.

Watching the time tick away on the alarm clock next to her bed, Savannah would have to say something. She couldn't just leave without telling them... or could she?

Maybe it'll be better if she did, she didn't want to leave anything unfinished.

Although she couldn't even remember the last thing she said to either of her parents. She couldn't remember the last thing she said to Morgan before she left with Pepper back to Pepper's parents.

Savannah would have to let that one go, there wasn't anything she could say to Morgan now.

A sudden idea crossed her mind and she gently moved Jasper away from her lap. Standing up, she made her way to the desk and took out a new sheet of paper.

Going as fast as she could, she drew a self-portrait of Morgan, with a beautiful crown on her head.

Maybe this would be enough of a goodbye?

Glancing at the clock, Savannah's eyes widened when she saw she only had ten minutes left.

With one final look at her bedroom which she had finally gotten used to, Savannah switched the lights off and closed the door behind her.

Jasper walked behind her as she made her way down the stairs to where Morgan's bedroom was for whenever she came to the tower.

She folded the paper in half and scribbled a small note onto the side before carefully placing the card in the lap of one of the teddy bears placed on the bed.

Next, she walked to Peter's room, she placed Jasper onto his bed where he curled into a little ball and closed his eyes.

She watched him for a moment before leaving that room as well for what she hoped wouldn't be the last time.

Now for her parents...

Savannah didn't know where they were, although she had a small hunch they'd be in the kitchen seeing as it was almost breakfast time and Bucky always went for morning runs with Steve.

Little Princess  (An Avengers/ P.M. fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz