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Does she know how proud I am she was created, With the courage to unlearn all of the hatred?

Savannah set down her backpack in one of the many guest rooms in Tony's beach house.

The Avengers had decided that a family vacation was in order so Savannah packed a few bikinis and a few shirts into a backpack which she took with her on the jet.

Two weeks had passed since her discussion with Natasha and Savannah couldn't have been happier with how her life had changed since she officially left Hydra.

A small knock on the door caused Savannah to turn her head and watch Pietro peek inside.

"We're doing smores," he told her, walking into the room.

"I've never made a smore," Savannah smiled.

"I know" Pietro grinned, "I'll teach you."

Pietro had made sure to make every day of the past two weeks exciting for Savannah. Once she'd shared with him that she was no longer a part of Hydra and that she wanted to start over, he'd done everything to ensure that she could.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the house and onto the soft sand of the beach.

The sun was almost gone but the orange/pink glow remained in the sky.

It was beautiful, almost as beautiful as the girl standing next to him.

With an arm around her shoulder, he pulled her toward the campfire that Steve had set up.

Savannah took a seat next to Pietro on one of the logs that had been set out and Nat handed her a marshmallow and a stick.

Pietro showed her how to hold it properly and the two roasted marshmallows as Sam told them about his latest mission.

"And then I punched him in the face and turned to-"

"What the-!"

Sam was stopped mid-sentence when Peter dumped a bucket of water on Pietro's head.

Pietro wiped the water out of his face and turned around with an amused look on his face while Peter was struggling to breathe from laughing so hard.

Peter then started running for his life when Pietro stood up and started chasing him.

Savannah laughed at the two and Sam shook his head in disappointment.

"I should go stop them before it gets violent," he said.

Savannah raised her eyebrows, "I'm not sure if you want to get involved" she advised.

Sam thought about it for a moment before nodding, "I'll go get Clint."
Savannah sat by herself for only a few minutes before the seat next to her was taken up by Bucky.

Two weeks ago, the day after her hallucination of the Winter Soldier, she'd found Bucky alone in the kitchen.

There was something so relieving just seeing him there as himself, not as the monster she'd grown up seeing.

He'd been about to ask her if she wanted any coffee when Savannah simply walked up to him and hugged him. Bucky had stood there stunned for a few moments before he slowly hugged back. He hadn't asked any questions, he'd just let her hug him for as long as she needed.

Little Princess  (An Avengers/ P.M. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now