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All I ask is If this is my last night with you, hold me like I'm more than just a friend.

The antidote.

They had it.

It had to be it, Savannah was absolutely sure.

Compared to the purple veins now so close to reaching her face, the liquid in the syringe Savannah had pulled out of the pocket of Pierce's old coat was a bright yellow.

It looked weird and slimy but Savannah was sure it was it, she had a gut feeling.

Now she was just trying to convince Pietro that she wasn't going to poison herself again by injecting it into her skin.

He thought that they should take it back to the tower and run some tests first, but Savannah fought against that plan. If she just took the antidote now, nobody would even have to know that anything had happened to her.

So they came up with a compromise.

Pietro agreed to bring Savannah along with him to save the other agents as long as after, she'd "sneak" into the labs at the Avenger's tower with him as to not get caught, and together they'd run a few tests.

That way, Pietro would be sure the antidote wouldn't accidentally kill her, and Savannah would be satisfied that none of the other Avengers found out.

So now the yellow slimy liquid in the syringe was sitting in the pocket of the coat Savannah had left in the jet while the two made their landing silently on the roof of the base where the agents were being held, hostage.

Savannah pulled open one of the vents and motioned for Pietro to stay quiet since she could hear talking from somewhere inside.

Pietro started to tell her that he'd go first to make sure the coast was clear but Savannah had already slipped through the vent.

He watched her disappear through the roof and he sighed.

That girl was gonna drive him crazy.

Savannah landed silently in what looked like a room with many computers in it. The room was empty as far as she could tell which wasn't much since her senses seemed to not be working properly.

She couldn't see farther than a few feet ahead of her because of the dark, her ears were slightly ringing, and the fingers on her left hand felt numb.

This wasn't a good sign, but she kept it to herself. There was no point in worrying Pietro more than he already was when there was nothing he could do about it at the moment.

Pietro landed beside her, much less silently.

Savannah sent him a look and he shrugged, glancing around the room.

The voices could still be heard from a door to Savannah's left, she guessed they were speaking a different language, or maybe her hearing had gotten so bad that she didn't even understand English anymore.

But by the look of Pietro's confused face, he couldn't understand what they were saying either.

"Barton said there was a basement" Pietro whispered before pulling her toward a different door which was to his right.

Savannah glanced out into the hallway which had a few people walking and talking with each other, still in a language neither of them understood.

Savannah spoke many languages, thirteen to be exact, she was fluent in eight of them but still pretty good at the other five. But this one she'd never heard in her life.

Little Princess  (An Avengers/ P.M. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now