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I found peace in your violence.

Ten minutes later, Savannah was walking into the pool room with a random bikini she had found in her closet. It was cute, baby blue with darker blue stripes that matched the color of her eyes. Savannah wasn't going to lie, she looked good. All the training and missions definitely gave her a body with pure muscle.

"Savannah, hey" Wanda stood from her poolside chair to walk over to Savannah. Peter and Pietro were already in the pool, Savannah didn't know exactly what they were doing but it looked like they were trying to drown each other.

"I can't breathe!" Savannah heard Peter yelling at Pietro pushed his head under the water.

"That swimsuit looks amazing on you" Wanda complimented, seemingly unbothered by the two boys behind her.

"You can't run from me Spiderboy!"
"Thanks, I just found it in the closet, not really sure if I'm even supposed to be wearing it"

"Stop trying to kill me!"

"Oh my God, I totally forgot, Natasha, put those there when you first moved in here. She wasn't sure what would fit and what wouldn't so we should definitely take you shopping to get something in your own style"

"Did you seriously just splash me?!" 

"Yeah, that sounds like fun," Savannah agreed.

"Savannah help me!"

Savannah looked behind Wanda to see Peter who was hurriedly swimming away from Pietro who looked very amused.

Before Savannah could respond Wanda was pulling her away from the fight happening in the water and toward the table where there were four cups and a pitcher of what looked like pink water.

"Strawberry lemonade" Wanda explained as she filled up two cups and handed one to Savannah.

Savannah brought the cup to her lips and took a small sip. It was sweet, extremely sweet, but it was good. Savannah took another sip while Wanda scolded the boys for accidentally splashing her.

"Peter- Peter now the floor is wet" Wanda rolled her eyes when Peter ignored her and continued to walk toward Savannah. He was slightly shivering from the cold water. Pietro followed after him with a proud grin on his face.

"I won," He bragged.

"Wow, you beat the fourteen-year-old in a who can drown last competition, how fun" Wanda sassed as she handed Peter a towel.

Pietro rolled his eyes while grabbing a towel from the chair. He wrapped it around his middle covering his swimming shorts but leaving his chest exposed.

Savannah didn't care, her muscles were better anyways.

"Pass me the lemonade," said Pietro as he grabbed a cup off the table.

Savannah raised her eyebrows,

"Please?" Pietro added.

Savannah rolled her eyes and handed him the pitcher. That wasn't exactly what she wanted, she hadn't really wanted to get up but whatever.

"Hasn't that healed already?" asked Peter, Savannah noticed he was looking down at her hand which was wrapped.

Savannah shrugged, "must've cut it again or something" she shrugged off.

Little Princess  (An Avengers/ P.M. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now