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Baby tell me how did you get so... cold.

Savannah had her first mission for the Avengers today.

It was safe to say that literally every single other person was more excited then she was.

In all honesty, she didn't even really want to go.

It was just this stupid chip in her head making her do stuff.

She hadn't lied when she told Wanda that going on missions with anyone other than the other champions wasn't going to end well for her and now... she was doing it against her will.

But other than the fact that she was being mind-controlled by an old man who pretended to care about her for her entire life, she was doing great.

Tony had begun working on her suit but obviously it wasn't ready yet so for today's mission, she was given one of the SHIELD training suits.

It felt weird, she was Hydra and here she was wearing a SHIELD suit.

She didn't mention it though as she entered the jet with her suit on and her hair up.

Bucky and Steve were already in there, Wanda was walking toward the jet.

Once the jet was in the air, Savannah sat in one of the jet's seats and Wanda soon sat next to her.

They didn't talk much other than when Wanda asked how she was feeling and she said "fine."

Steve had explained that all they needed to get on their mission was a file.

The file contained nuclear codes and other important things that certain parties shouldn't know.

Savannah had a feeling, a strong feeling, that she needed that file for something else.

She didn't voice her thoughts obviously but she knew what Pierce no doubt wanted her to get it

As the jet neared its destination, Savannah stood with the others and got ready to fight.

The jet's doors opened and it seemed the organization they were supposed to take the file from had already known they were going to be there.

The shooting started immediately.

Savannah had to actually dive to avoid the shots coming her way.

But she got right into fighting when she reached the first group of agents who were shooting at her.

Instead of knocking them out like the other Avengers were trying to do, Savannah just killed them, not caring enough to follow what Steve said about only killing when you had to.

One of them had killed her adoptive parents, they sure as hell hadn't needed to do that.

Savannah also had ​​the problem that she couldn't not kill the agents seeing as she wasn't really in the right mindset... and she also wasn't in control of her mind.

But because Savannah was not worried about whether or not she was killing people, which she was, she was the first one to make it past the agents and into the building.

Steve was on comms asking how each of them was doing. Savannah didn't bother to mention that she had already made it inside.

Leaving a rather large trail of dead bodies in her wake, Savannah began her search for the file.

Little Princess  (An Avengers/ P.M. fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz