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So I'm never gonna get too close to you, even when I mean the most to you. In case you go and leave me in the dirt. 

It was silent at first, Savannah actually thought it hadn't worked.

But just as she turned her head around.

Four explosions happened at once.

One after the other.

It started at the top, the higher levels, then the middle, half the building came caving in on itself, then the bottom floors, the shock wave sent all three Avengers flying forward.

And then, the last explosion, the biggest one, sent bricks, glass, wood, and concrete flying in every direction.

Savannah was quite literally lifted off the ground and sent flying forward again, into the highway.

One of the cars stopped very suddenly and Savannah hit the front window, wincing at the pieces of glass embedded in her back.

She felt blood on her face.


There was a faint sound of honking cars as pieces of rubble came flying into the street.

A large piece of the wall between the building and the highway came flying at the car in front of her, causing it to crash into the car she was laying on.

Savannah rolled backward off the car onto the street, right into the piece of glass stuck in her shoulder.



Savannah looked over to see Bucky limping toward her.

There were two of them.

That can't be a good sign.

Steve came jogging towards him.

He said something to Bucky that Savannah couldn't hear because of the ringing in her ears.

It seemed like Bucky didn't like what Steve said because he said something back and he looked angry.

Steve pointed to the burning destroyed building and Bucky said something back.

And then they both looked right at Savannah.

Steve looked angry.

Bucky looked apologetic.

And Savannah had the strangest feeling that she should probably start running.

So Savannah started getting up as fast as she could, which wasn't very fast, as the two Avengers started jogging toward her.

"This isn't you Savannah" Bucky called out to her.


So they knew?

they knew...

About the-

Well shit.

Savannah yanked off the door of a nearby sports car and pulled the diver out of it.

"Hey, that's mine-"
Savannah kicked the man in the face and hopped in.

One of the windows was broken due to a piece of rubble hitting it but that didn't stop the car from working perfectly well.

Little Princess  (An Avengers/ P.M. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now