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You cannot keep reading the same chapter hoping for a different ending.

"And that's it" 

Pierce had just handed her the file carrying the information for her next mission. It wasn't a hard one, just a few people to murder you know, the usual.

Savannah grabbed the file and walked out of the room, she was supposed to start right away, there was already a jet waiting for her. But she had one more thing she wanted to do before she left.

Savannah took a shortcut towards the E room. She looked up and down the hallway before pushing the door open and walking inside. Bucky was sitting in the chair, his head down, while the doctors around him played with the wires coming out of his arms. Savannah took out her gun and shot four bullets. Each one hit the target directly in the head. All the doctors fell to the ground without even knowing who their killer was. Bucky looked up, Savannah could tell he was having a hard time keeping his eyes open.

"You actually came" mumbled Bucky, he sounded surprised. 

"Yeah well..." Savannah ripped the wire out of his arm, Bucky groaned in pain but Savannah had no time to be gentle. Somebody could come in at any moment.

She undid the chains that were around his arms and legs and helped him to stand up. He stumbled a little bit, Savannah put his arm around her shoulders, letting him lean onto her. She peeked her head out to make sure the coast was clear before they walked out of the room.

They made it only a few steps before they were stopped by a voice behind them.

"Princess? Where are you doing with the Winter Soldier"

Savannah froze and turned around. It was Ryan and Josh, two of the trainers for the other champions. Savannah moved Bucky's arm from around her shoulders and leaned him against the wall, she had a feeling this was going to turn into a fight and she didn't need the extra weight.

"Ryan, Josh, what are you doing here?" Asked Savannah, cracking her knuckles.

"Oh you know, checking the area for threats, making sure none of our little weapons escape" said Josh, he put his hand on his hip purposefully moving his shirt up a little to show the gun in his belt. Savannah grinned, she had been itching for a fight all day, what better fight than two of the best trainers at Hydra?

Ryan and Josh both pulled out their guns at the same time, Savannah grabbed Bucky's sleeve and yanked him into a nearby broom closet as bullets started raining on them.

"Stay here" Savannah whispered, it was so quiet that Bucky barely heard it. Savannah waited until she saw him nod before she grabbed a broom and exited the room, closing the door behind her.

Savannah regretted leaving her gun in the E room. She broke the end off the broom leaving her with just the stick. She would've preferred her swords but this would have to do.

She waited until the bullets stopped before jumping out, catching both the agents by surprise. She hit Josh over the head. Sending him flying forward. Ryan raised his gun again but Savanah kicked it out of his hands. By this time Josh had regained his footing and managed to twist her wrist causing the broom stick to fall. Savannah punched him in the nose and grinned when she heard it crack. 

Ryan managed to push her, Savannah's back hit the wall. Josh raised his gun, Savannah ducked, the bullet hit the wall right where her head had been a second before. Savannah dived forward and tackled Josh to the ground. By this time Ryan had managed to pick up his gun again. He shot at Savannah who rolled so that Josh was now on top. She used him as a shield, feeling the blood soaking into her shirt.

Little Princess  (An Avengers/ P.M. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now