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I was born sick, but I love it

Savannah's hand was still dripping with blood but she didn't mind the stinging of pain. She knew they were following her but again, she didn't care. She just had to get out of here. She reached the elevator but decided not to take it. Instead she entered the emergency staircase room.

"I think you should stop"

Savannah turned around to face Sam Wilson, who was looking very confused and unsure of his actions.

"Nah, I'm good thanks" Savannah turned back around and continued down the stairs. She was glad it was just him and not the rest of them. Natasha might try to use that fake file again, Savannah knew it was fake, there was no way it was real.

"Princess" Sam called out which made Savannah stop walking. "Is that your name?" he asked. Savannah grinned, this was too easy.

"Sure," she shrugged while continuing to walk down the stairs casually as if she weren't a criminal in the Avengers tower.

Sam was left to watch the girl walk away. Where was the rest of the team? Clint had decided to check the floor above which was why he wasn't there but where was Nat? Bucky? Steve?Was he supposed to follow her?

Just then there was a streak of blue and Pietro was standing next to him.

"Where is she?" he asked.

Sam pointed to where the staircase led out of sight where the girl had just been seen. He hadn't followed her because this seemed sketchy.

"Are you going to follow her?" asked Pietro.

"Are you?" asked Sam.

Pietro shrugged, neither of them really knew what was going on.

"Where is she?" asked Bucky who had just run into the staircase.

Both Pietro and Sam pointed to where the staircase led out of sight.

"Aren't you following her?" asked Bucky who had been counting on Sam to stop the girl from leaving.

Sam scratched his head and Pietro tilted his to the side.

"Well Nat was saying not to hurt her so I wasn't sure if we were supposed to let her go?" Sam sounded unsure.

Bucky shook his head and jogged down the stairs. He made it all the way to the front door of the tower, following some of the drops of blood on the ground no doubt left by the girl's hand. The Shield agents were looking at him weirdly but he ignored them.

He caught sight of her debating which motorcycle to take in a parking lot close by.

"You planning on stealing that?" he asked when he ran up to her, she had picked one at random and was now getting on.

"Mhm" she hummed casually.

She had wrapped a small piece of clothing around her injured hand, it wasn't doing much to stop the bleeding but she didn't seem to even care.

She went to turn on the engine but Bucky grabbed the front wheel and ripped it off. She didn't seem surprised by this action, instead she just looked at him, obviously annoyed. Now that Bucky looked closer, he recognized those eyes. Those were his eyes, the exact same shade of blue. Her hair was the same dark brown color as his, hers was longer obviously. She was also related to Hydra somehow. 

Little Princess  (An Avengers/ P.M. fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن