Haruto shook his thoughts off and woke up Haruichi, as he woke up he was confused.

He smiled at him, "I got some lunch for you, would you like to eat it now or later?" He asked, Haruichi took a second to think.

Since he had stayed up all night doing homework, he didn't eat. He didn't eat breakfast before he took his nap either, so he was hungry.

Haruichi decided that he would eat now, his father was happy to hear that. They didn't get to hang out that often because Haruichi usually hung out with Aito, and his father worked most nights. They always had breakfast together though, every morning.

As Mikey sighed, he stood up. "I see you won't tell me anything about yourself Aito, maybe I should try again when we're closer." Just as Mikey was going to leave, he saw a bruise on Aito's wrist.

His eyes widened, was he hurt? He asked himself, as he was about to ask Aito something, he quickly moved his arm, Mikey was no longer able to see the bruise.

This made him even more suspicious, "What was that?" He sat back down, staring at Aito.

Aito breathed in a shaky breath, he didn't want to tell Mikey about his situation. Hell, he didn't even tell Haruichi or Hanako about it, he didn't want anyone to know.

However, Mikey was stubborn. If he suspected his friend to be hurt or in danger, he would do whatever he could to help them.

He didn't give up. "Aito, what was that?" He flinched, Mikey sounded like he wouldn't take no for an answer.

After a second, Aito gave in. He started to tell Mikey about everything, literally everything.

As Mikey had listened to Aito's story, he felt horrible. It turns out that, while Aito was in his darkest moment, he met Haruichi and he helped him through it, even if he only knew a little bit of what it was.

Mikey was worried about Aito now, he had no idea about how to help him in this situation. He hadn't been abused, so he didn't know what the best thing to do in this situation would be.

There had been a silence after Aito said everything, he felt embarrassed, he had taken off his mask to reveal what looked to be bruises from excessive punching, and maybe even kicking.

On one hand, he felt a little lighter finally having someone know what he goes through, on the other, he felt anxious knowing that Mikey would try to help him.

Mikey had organized all his thoughts and spoke after what seemed like hours to Aito, "Aito, I'm not going to say the generic things like 'I'm so sorry about this' or 'I'll try and help as much as I can.' because in truth, I can't help you. The only one who can put an end to this without getting the authorities involved, is you and your sisters."

He continued, "I forced you to tell me all this, that I can apologize for. I really hate that you went through this, but like I said, I couldn't personally involve myself into your family business. Aito, you're going to have to take everything into your own hands for now. If you're not able to end this, please tell the authorities."

Aito listened to him, he knew he was right. After all, what could Mikey do? Beat up Ryu for hurting Aito and their sisters? No, that would only make things worse for him.

Really the only thing Mikey could do is give advice, and the advice he had given Aito may have seemed like it wasn't going to help at all, or it wasn't smart to say. In truth, what he said gave Aito courage in his situation, most likely because he looked up to Mikey.

After they had talked a bit more, Aito said he had to get home while his brother was still working. At this point it was 5:42PM, his brother got off work at 8PM. Mikey said it was okay because he had a Toman meeting soon, so they went their separate ways.

Hina had now been used to the way things were now, everyone seemed to be moving on from Emma's death, in truth, when Hina would get sad about it, she would think about all the good times they had together. Her thoughts usually ended up going to Mikey though.

Kazutora got annoyed, "I thought we were cooking, not thinking." Hina snapped out of her thoughts and remembered that she and Kazutora were making a pizza.

It was her job to roll the dough that Kazutora made, and it was his job to chop up the jalapenos that she wanted.

He got bored waiting on her and started eating one of the jalapenos that was left over, he liked spicy food so it wasn't that bad to him. (My Au)

After a while, they finally got all the ingredients together and were able to successfully make a pizza.

They hadn't tried it yet, so they used Naoto as a test subject, safe to say that he lived, so it couldn't have been that bad.

As Kazutora was on his second slice, he started a conversation with his sister, "I'm thinking about asking Ayaka to be my girlfriend." Hina choked on her water.

She collected herself, "Wow, 1 year and 20 dates later, you're finally thinking of that." She said sarcastically, Kazutora rolled his eyes.

"It was 13 dates, and I've been thinking about it for a while now. I'm almost 17 and I haven't had a girlfriend yet, and I know Ayaka is a good person, and I really like her, so I thought that if anyone should be my girlfriend, it should be her." Hina was impressed with Kazutora's words, Ayaka was the only girl that he felt this way about, she was also the only girl he ever talked to her about. It was actually kind of cute.

Hina smiled warmly at Kazutora, "I think it's a good idea, you should ask her, I'm sure she would love to be your girlfriend." He smiled a bit as well.

After a while, they had finished the pizza and went to their rooms. As Hina laid on her bed, she thought about Mikey again.

She remembered the first time they met, which she was embarrassed about. Who knew that that moment, would lead up to them being a couple? It was surprising really if you sat down and thought about it. But, they wouldn't want it any other way.


I thought it would be nice to have Mikey be the first person to know about Aito's situation since he admires Mikey.

By the way, I do not think it is okay to abuse people, please do not get the wrong idea, and please do not hurt others.

With all that said, I hope you enjoyed!

Couldn't stop myself from falling (Mikey x Hina)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora