It Might Be Forever

Start from the beginning

"It sure is, I've come to the conclusion it's an ulterior motive to make all the boys at this school know I'm off the market." I say tracing my finger over his t shirt. His face shows surprise like he'd been caught, but soon replaces it with his usual calm face. Leaning down to kiss me, in the exact moment as Blake walked by as he did each time. I pull back just as he deepens the kiss, shaking my head.

"I'm not a chess piece Quil." I say seriously.

"Claire." I shake my head, fully realizing even though it was funny to watch him be jealous; it also wasn't healthy.

"They know who I am with Quil, do you?" I asked searching his face. He brings his closer, thumb moving gently over my cheek.

"Your with me. Way too beautiful, way too right all the time, but your with me no matter what." He seals that statement with a kiss, one that takes any aggravation away so swiftly it should be deemed immoral.

"Hey, oh, oh my God." Is all I hear as I walk out of the shower to find Colin practically running from the room. I laughed, at the closed door before going into my closet to get some clothes on. It was around 7 and the bonfire was going to start in just a bit, a bit meaning roughly 10 minutes and I was running late.

I take my time, Emily and the others already left me to go on my own. I pull my outfit on before opening the door to find Colin leaning against the door. I grin as he brings his eyes up and down my outfit.

"You look nice." I let out a laugh as he walks into my room. I sit at my vanity to brush through my hair. He clears his throat.

"I um, they all said you were running late so I thought I'd run late with you." I nodded.

"Is Quil there?" I asked. He nods his head looking up at the new photos on my wall, grabbing hold of the one of me and Quil.

"He's waiting on you, but I'm thinking that might be why your late." I shrug turning around in my seat to face him.

"I just want to keep him on his toes." I say with a grin. He laughs.

"So your happy?" He asks so simply. Happy was a word that carried a lot with it, there was always a wide variety of explanations for it.

"For the first time, I don't feel like," I stop meeting his eyes. "I don't feel like I'm completely lost."

"You were never lost Claire. You just have never known the fine line between love and hate. It made you, harder to get too." It was like he was trying to make me cry tonight, I feel tears brim.

"It almost seems too good to be true, Quil and I, almost seems like I'm going to wake up tomorrow and it all be gone." I say truthfully.

"You deserve this Fireheart, more than anyone I know do you deserve to be happy. But I want you to know you had it in you all along to make yourself that kind of happy, Quil just awakened it."

We got to the bonfire right when Billy was in the middle of the story, I move by Emily but soon I'm searching for Quil finding him across the fire. No one would ever know the feelings I carried for him, the complete and utter devotion to a life filled with Friday night bonfires and a Quileute man I was completely in love with.

"Hey I was worried about you." Quil says as he makes his way over after the first story. I move closer, taking up his personal space instantly.

"Kiss me like you missed me." I say before leaning in to his tender kiss. It's cut short like always when two sillouhouttes appear out of the corner out of my eye.

"Never thought I'd see the day, Claire giving a boy a chance." I huff but don't let go of Quil as I turn around, his arms following to wrap around me.

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