I got up on my feet in one sharp movement, for no other reason than I was freaking out and I needed to pace around my room and potentially pass out.

I needed to do something. I wanted to run to Lexi and kiss her again.

I wanted to ask her if all of this had just been a bug in the Matrix or it was actually real and I had kissing privileges now.

I had to have kissing privileges now, right?

My stomach growled at that moment. I probably needed to eat too. And take a shower.

A cold shower might help to get my thoughts in order.

And then I could go find my Pumpkin and try to not look and sound like a fool and potentially make her completely rethink about what had just happened between us.

God. I really hoped she didn't think it had been a mistake.

Because kissing her again hadn't been a mistake for me.

It had been a blessing.

Unfortunately, the cold shower didn't exactly help with clearing my head. I was just overthinking about every possible ways things could go wrong when I'd see Lexi next.

Would she brush it off again, like he had with our first kiss?

But there was no point in doing this to myself, really. The only way I was going to know how she was going to react was to find her and see for myself.

So I got dressed and headed for the main camp.

I just hoped she wouldn't find me annoying, always tagging along.

I was her little bitch after all. It shouldn't surprise her that I was tailing her like a puppy.

Once I got in the camp, Lexi was nowhere to be seen on the fist floor.

I had assumed she would have been eating. It was the most obvious guess.

The second option was her bunk bed. She'd probably gone back to sleep. She needed more sleep than I did, and we'd gone to sleep late last night.

We'd gone to sleep late. Together. Just thinking about this gave me butterflies in my stomach.

I grabbed oatmeal cookies before leaving the kitchen assuming that if Lexi hadn't eaten she'd be hungry, and it would be easier to be in her good grace if I gave her food.

I had no idea what was waiting for me upstairs.

I ran up the stairs to the second floor, and unsurprisingly found Lexi exactly where I thought she would be.

There was my sleeping Pumpkin, snuggling her pillow, tucked under her blanket.

Looking at her sleeping like that, I was reminded of last night, and of her sleeping in my arms.

It was wild, how things have changed so much in so little time, while also feeling like it had been torturously long to get here.

Well, it had been.

I had been pinning for this girl for years.

I walked up to her and leaned my arms against the side of the bed, looking at her sleeping.

I wanted to assume that what had happened between us meant the same thing to Lexi as it did to me.

I wasn't going to second guess my actions. If Lexi did want to see me or wanted to take any of my privileges away, she could just say it.

So, I ran a hand through her hair, smiling at her.

Would she agree to be my girlfriend?

This was the first time I let myself think that as I was stroking her hair. Would it be possible? Would she want me as her boyfriend? Or would she want to think about it more? The way she was, she'd probably overthink things.

The Smirking Jerk (Blake's POV)Where stories live. Discover now