"The least you could do is forgive me right?"Alhaji Ahmad asked, nervously. Staring down at Hajara.

"You want forgiveness right ?"Hajara managed to say her voice very low, it was close to breaking. Alhaji Ahmad nodded briefly. "I've forgiven you Ahmad, what's the use of holding grudges on someone when one day we are all going to die. I believe that bygones are bygones, so let's forget everything and go our separate ways."She concluded. He wasn't expecting her to get back to her right ?

His face says it all.

"You haven't change at all, thank you Hajara. And please meet my children, Haidar, Hisham and Halima."Alhaji Ahmad pointed towards them and they managed to smile at her.

"I know Haidar he is A friend of Ridwan, right?"Hajara asked a smile appearing on her lips. They exchanged pleasantries but very formal.

"We have a flight to catch, we've to go."Hajara dragged Maryam's hand and they both jumped on their feet. Hajara was eagerly waiting to get out of his house, not only his house but the country itself, the air around has started to suffocate her. She just said those words in order not to drag the issue forward.

She as forgiven him, but she had a lot on her mind to say, she wanted to shout at him and vent out her anger but she couldn't mainly because of the people around.

And it was for the best that she kept quite.

"You don't stay here anymore?"Alhaji Ahmad inquired standing up, rubbing his sweaty palms, slowly.

"Yes."Maryam replied curtly and left. Haidar decided to walk them out.

"What a strange world this is."Haidar started with a teeny grin on his face.

"I know, right. Didn't think we will meet again tho, and in such a way."Maryam stated and smiled back at him. Now she have siblings, it feels surreal, in fact everything does. Her being kidnapped and all this.

Could she be dreaming ?

"So, how are you doing ?"Haidar shot her another smile, the one she never got from him before when they were enemies.

"Fine Alhamdulillah, feeling better."Maryam replied him stepping out of the gate. The cab was waiting for them together with Salim and Aamir as from here they are going straight to the Airport.

Aamir spotted her and ran to her. "Ummi, where did you go to again."He asked close to tears.

"Your son?"Haidar inquired in bewilderment. He had no idea Maryam got married. "You got married?"

Maryam smiled and nodded her head in response. "Aamir meet your new uncle."Aamir looked at Haidar and smiled widely at him.

"Wow, Ma sha Allah, you two lookalike, he is just a carbon copy of you."Haidar stated pinching his chubby cheeks playfully.

"Maryama, come let's go."Hajara called and Maryam bade Haidar goodbye and entered the backseat with Aamir. Haidar waited till they were out of view before going back in where he met Halima, standing by the door as if she was waiting for him.

"How did you know her ?"Halima questioned furrowing her brows skeptically at him. Haidar shrugged and said;

"Why do you wanna know?"

"I hope you didn't shoot your shot at her, and now that she is your step..."Haidar cut her off by smacking her.

"She isn't my type dama."Haidar replied, jokingly.

"Tell me everything, how you met."Haidar glared at her, and entered the living room. He didn't wait to listen to what she says next and jogged up to his room.

Hisham also stoop up to leave but his father stopped him.

"About that girl you proposed to."Alhaji Ahmad started and Hisham suddenly got interested in.

Hisham furrowed his brows at him and said. "What about it?"

"You can't marry her."Alhaji Ahmad replied, bluntly.

Heyyyy !

I know this update is boring, but I'll surely update again !!!!

Why do you think Hisham's  father said he can't marry Mufida ?


I think there is something murky going on, what do you think ?!

Ria ❤️

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