who are you

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"We have to split up okay? Yaseer you take them to the right and I'll go from the left. There's no way we're going to make it down there. If Riley is in the bunker, she's safe. I can hear them. They're looking for something." I yell at Yaseer and what was left of the guards.

"How can hear that far below?" One guard yelled. And it hit me, the ring was working. I could hear footsteps on the other side of the house.

I take my group and I hold out my gun, ready for the attackers to come. We walk into the library quietly. I give my signal and the guards pounce on the two attackers by the door. They take them out and we keep moving. All of a sudden gun shots come flying through. The guards step in front of me to protect me, as I watch them get riddled with bullets. I take cover in the next room. My heart beats faster and faster as I try to wipe the memory of what I just saw. Then a hand grabs me and before I can shoot they knock my gun out of my hands.

"Shhh. Take this and get out of the window." The voice tells me.

"Andrea? Is that you?" I couldn't believe it. What was she doing here?


"I know the sound of you anywhere." I remind her.

"I can't explain right now, you have to go." She cries. That's when I realize that she's wearing the same mask as the intruders. She knows that I've realized because she looks at me apologetic eyes. My heart feels like it's breaking into a million pieces. My whole world was shattering before me.

"It was you...?" I manage to say, still shocked.

"Look, they'll kill you." Before she could say anything more I grab her neck and pin her against the wall.

"Sage was right."


"Shut up. Don't even try to say anything." I choke her tighter.

"I need to-"

"Explain? That you brought out attacks? Andrea what the fuck?"


"I loved you. I loved you with every atom in my body and what did you do? Andrea what did you do?" I ask as I peer into her eyes.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Step away from her." Two men in masks make their way towards us.

"Don't hurt her." Andrea tells them as they take out handcuffs. I lunge at one of them punching them in the face, but the other one pins me down. I watch as Andrea walks away, letting them handcuff me. They help me stand and walk me into the big room.

"Father!" I scream as I see him in handcuffs across the room. Then I see a body. It's covered but a hand sticks out.

"Is that...?"

"Sloane. My baby Sloane." Father starts to cry.

"How..? It can't be. No, no, no." Tears start to fall out and I can't even stop them. How did this happen? Every part of me was breaking.

"It was them. They killed her. Devyn, swear to me, if anything happens to me you will avenge me. You will avenge Sloane." Father says and I nod.

"Damn you talk so much." A guy walks in with Andrea.

"Andrea how could you do this? You killed someone who loved you? Sloane-"

"I didn't do it. It was him." She points to my father.

"Oh that's a classic. Pit us against each other." Father says with a painful laugh. Andrea takes out her gun and without hesitating she shoots him in the leg and he cries out in pain.

"Shut the fuck up, Elijah." She says.

How did my world collapse this quickly? How was the love of my life turning into my worst nightmare?

"I can't even look at you." I tell her.

"You don't have to. Look at the floor." The guy next to her responds as he spits on the floor.

"Stop it." She warns him and he backs away.

"Who are you?" I ask again.

"Andrea Rahl."

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