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I look down at my torso while my skin is turning black around my wound. I know it hurts but I can't feel it. As I look away, I see Andrea walking out of the forest, covered in blood, and then the whole world went dark. Sweating, I wake up from the disturbing flashbacks I was having. As my surrounding come into focus, I realize that I'm in my room.

"Oh you're awake. Good timing." Sloane walks in with a tray of warm cookies.

"That smells so good."

"It's for you." She says with a smile as I sit up in bed. She puts the tray on the bed and sits next to me. I munch on the cookies and chug down the milk.

"Easy now. Don't burst open your stomach. Speaking of which, has your wound healed?"

"I think so. I don't feel anything."

"Here, let me check." I let her lift my shirt up to see.

"Wow. You're good as new."

"Really?" Looking down at my skin, I see that there's no trace of the wound, not even a scar.

"The medical team has really put a lot of effort into Rune research. They created this anti-venom thing that they shot into you. And here you are."

"Wow. I hardly remember what happened. My head hurts."

"You've been in and out for nearly four days."

"Four days? What? Where is everyone?"

"You mean your friends? We had them all dropped off at their houses so they could be looked after by family, but one of your buddies had to stay with us."

"Is it Iris? Where is she?"

"Who's Iris?" asks with a smirk, " I don't think her name is Iris though, she said something like Alexis or-"


"Oh yeah that's it." I roll my eyes and put the blanket over my head.

"What's wrong?"

"Why her? You couldn't drop her off anywhere like the others?"

"Well she didn't have anywhere to go except school, and you guys are on spring break, so I thought it would be nice to have your friend stay with us."

"She's not my friend."

"Really? I just thought she was. I don't know how she got away from that Rune. When we found you guys, she was covered in blood so I thought she was bleeding, but turns out it was the Rune's. I sent Guards to look for its remains but they were no where to be found. Whatever she is, she is a badass, I can tell you that."

"Ugh, not you too."

"What? Why don't you like her?"

"She's annoying. She's stuck-up. She keeps butting into everything. She's the new girl I was talking about."

"The one who's ranked number one right now?"

"Not for long, but yes."

"Damn. This just got interesting. So how'd she end up with your gang?"

"She's dating Ash."

"Oh, that's a cute couple, I can see it." I give her a stern look and she shrugs her shoulders.

"I hate her. Everything is all over the place with her."

"I think you need to give her a chance. What do you even know about her?" I'm about to say something but I can't because it's true. I hate when Sloane is right.

"I know that she's..."

"Exactly. What if you guys put your differences or whatever you want to call it aside, and actually start to like each other? You could be good friends."


"You've never been any good at making friends anyways."

"Oh, really?"

"Oh yes. You need to enjoy life, meet new life, not be so up-tight Devyn all the time."

"I'm not up-tight. I have fun."

"I'm just saying to let those walls you've built up down sometimes. You just hide behind them, because father tells you to, because that's what he does. And I don't want you to."

"It's not about him."

"Is that why you've never held onto any relationship?"

"I thought we were talking about friends?"

"We were. But you do have commitment issues." She grabs the tray and gets up.

"I do not. I just don't like relationships. They're stupid."

"Let me guess, now you're going to say 'I don't believe in love' just like father."

"I-" She's right again.

"You see. But Alexis-"


"Yeah. Her. She's downstairs if you want to hang out with her. She's probably bored."

"Never in a million years."

"What am I going to do with you?" She heads out the door.

I stare at the ceiling. I didn't have commitment issues. Did I? What if father was wrong? No, he's right love has no space in my life. My thoughts trail off to Andrea and the last words she said to me.

Don't die on me idiot. A small smile appears on my face. I get out of bed and change into new clothes because the others reeked of a medicinal smell I wanted to get rid of.

Tears of Blood (wlw)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora