under the stars

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My heart beats against my chest as I hurry out of the bathroom. What was that? I think Devyn has fallen for me, it was obvious right? Or am I being crazy? Why did I even kiss her like that? Was it just to tease her? Yeah it was to tease her. It has to be, because I don't like her. She might, but I don't. I shake my head in frustration as I look for Ash. Devyn passes by and gives me a quick wink that sends butterflies in my stomach. I clench my jaw and make sure to give her the middle finger, with a smile of course.

"Where have you been?" Ash asks from behind me.


"Okay, I was just looking for you and for a second I thought you left."

"Why would I leave?"

"I thought this whole place irritated you, and people like them."

"You mean the rich?"

"I guess. I know how you feel around them, and Devyn too."

"I'm staying."

"I'm glad you are." He hugs my waist from behind as I look in front of me. I watch Devyn walk up to Iris and immediately kiss her, even Iris looks surprised.

"Ew." I say under my breathe.

"What?" Ash questions.

I nod towards them.

"Yeah, they're always making out somewhere." He says with a laugh, but I hate it. I hear cheers and commotion from one side of the hall and we decide to check what the fuss is about. As I make my way there, I see Sloane and Felix having a dance off. Everyone cheers as Sloane moves and Riley joins in too. This is so cute. Felix grabs her by the waist and kisses her and the room goes wild once again and we all cheer.

"FOOD FIGHT!" Riley yells and she hurls a plate of cake at Felix. He looks down at his tuxedo and back at Riley. The whole room is silent and in shock. He turns around slowly and grabs a cup of juice and throws it back at Riley.

"Oh it's on!" The next thing I know, everyone is throwing something. There's food flying everywhere.

"Open the doors!" I hear Devyn yell. I look toward the right side of the wall of the hall, and the walls start to move away from each other, revealing a mega sized pool and slide. Lights covered the place. Some of the guest kept dancing while others ran into the pool while stripping off their dirty clothes. I looked down at my dress and saw that it was covered in frosting. Ash walks up to me with a puppy face.

"Sorry about your dress."

"It's fine-" Before I could finish my sentence, he takes a plate filled with cream and shoves my face into it, and his laugh fills the room.

"I'm sorry I had to."

"You asshole!" He shrugs and lifts me up off my feet.

"You two look like you need cleaning up." It's Devyn's voice. All of a sudden we're hit with water with so much force that we fall over. As I stand back up I realize that Devyn is standing with a long water pipe, spraying everyone. The music gets louder and everyone gets crazier. Riley attacks Devyn with a plate full of food, and Devyn spray her with a laugh. She takes off her suit and unbuttons her shirt, but still leaves it on. She holds the pipe up so she could wash herself. I watch as the water trickles down her body. Iris grabs Devyn from behind, with her hands all over Devyn's abs. I look away with irritation.

"I'm going to go find a change of clothes." Ash says as he leaves back into the hall. I look around and spot Sierra making out with some guy in the corner. Sloane is no where to be seen although Felix is laughing away at some joke his friend told him. I watch as Devyn trudges over to a door in the wall. She can barely walk, probably because of how drunk she is. After a few minutes, I decide to follow when no one's looking. Behind the door it's just stairs. Using the stairs, I climb up and finally reach the top. As I open the other door I realize that it's the roof of the palace. I spot Devyn laying on the floor, with a can of beer, staring at the sky.

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