ray of sunshine

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Growing up my family had given me one goal. My whole life surrounded that goal, and it still is. Coming to Arden has led me astray. I sit on the soccer field as I contemplate my decisions.

"Are you gonna sit here all day and be gloomy?" Isabella asks.

"I fucked up, okay. And I can't fix it. And exams start tomorrow. I'm a mess." I get up with a sigh.

"We're humans. Humans are bound to make mistakes. It's been almost a month. I think it's time you forgive yourself."

"What did I ever do to have someone like you in my life?"

"It's because I see the good in you, even when you don't." That creates a pit in my stomach. Do I even have good in me. After everything I've done?

"I guess. I just hope I pass out of these exams, so I can be done here."

"Have you talked to... Dev?"

My heart flutters at the sound of her name.

"No, not really."

"Why not?"

"It's weird."

"What's killing everyone right now, is the lack of communication. Ash? Not talking. Dev? Not talking. You? Not talking. All of us? Not talking."

"Yeah I know."

"Tell me, you like her don't you?" She stops walking and crosses her arms over her chest.

"I- I don't know."

"Everyone knows, and you're the only one who doesn't." She says with a laugh.

"I like her, yes. I like the way she makes me feel. I think she's beautiful in so many ways, but we just don't go together. There's too much-"

"Like what?"

"She's got crazy family issues, just like me. We have these exams coming up and I just fucked up things with Ash. I just feel like it's so complicated with her."

"I sense... excuses." We change in the locker room and head out. Walking across the campus, I run into Sloane.

"Andrea?" She exclaims.


"How are you?"

"I'm fine, and you?"

"Very well. Ready for tomorrow?"

"Always." I lie.

"Love the confidence. It looks good on you."

"Thanks. What are you doing on campus?"

"I came to pick up my little ray of sunshine of a sister." She says with a laugh.

"And how is this ray of sunshine?" I haven't talked to Devyn in so long, but have caught a glimpse of her in the halls. She always looked like she was getting no sleep and looked weaker.

"I'm not sure entirely. She has her good days and bad."

"Well, I'll see you around I guess." I turn away from her but she grabs my shoulder.

"Sorry- I just, I know it's not my place to say anything, but just hear me out. Dev is crazy, impulsive, sometimes angry, but she's also so loving, so caring, and so loyal. She doesn't open up to anyone and hasn't for many years. And then you came along and her shell is melting. When I tell you she's had a terrible past, I can't even begin to explain, but she's the best person I know. I hope you see that too."

" I see it, trust me." I give her arm a squeeze in reassurance and she nods. We head our separate ways. The campus staff is busy getting all the facilities ready for the exams tomorrow. All the fourth year students will face off and put on display everything they've learned. From their physical abilities to their academic abilities. My mind wanders off to the time I saw Mr.Ackerman in the headmistress' office. I still didn't understand why he'd want me to come in first. I had a feeling it was probably something to do with his relationship with her. No matter how much Devyn says he loves her, I can tell that he doesn't. There's something so sinister about him, that I can't explain.

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