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"Where is she?" Devyn asks one of the guards at Sage's house.

"I'm right here." She appears at the door. She looks calm fro someone who just had their children taken.

"Why are you here?" She asks while looking straight at me.

"She's here to help. We can use her." Sloane says as we step inside.

"So what's the plan?"

"We're going to make the trade near the ports in Roord." She explains.

"There's so many tunnels there and deserted buildings. It's not safe.Pick another spot." Sloane suggests.

"We don't have the liberty to choose, Sloane. They do the choosing. We're just supposed to bring Arturo back." As she says his name she gives me a menacing glance.

"Then what are we doing here, let's go." Devyn says as she starts walking towards the door.

"It's not safe for all of you. I'm going with my team. They're elite soldiers, unlike all of you."

"I'm still going. That's my niece and nephew out there." Devyn replies.

"Mine too." Sloane agrees.

"Sloane, you're staying. I won't hear anything after this. Devyn you'll come with me. But you will not do anything unless I tell you. Got it?"

"Got it."

"Wait. I'm going if Dev is going." I chime in.

"Oh for fuck's sake, this isn't some party we're all going to. And weren't you defending Arturo the other day." She takes a step towards me, clearly sizing me up.

"Relax. Everything is going to be fine." Devyn steps in.

"Let's go." Sage says but her eyes are still on me. We get into her truck with her team following. Sloane stays behind to update their father.

We drive down to the deserted port town, where only cargo ships came through once in a while. I watch Sage load her gun and put it into her holster.

"Here you might need one too." Devyn passes me the shiny weapon with a holster. I put it on around my shoulder. I give her hand a squeeze because I can see how worried she was for her Isaac and Reece.

"You two will stay in the car. If we need you two we will come and let you know. I don't want either of you getting hurt, or ruining our plan. Just sit tight." Sage orders as our car pulls up at the harbor.

"We didn't come here just to sit in a car." Devyn complains.

" Devyn, please." Sage gives her a stern look and Devyn sighs in return. Sage steps out of the car and motions with her hand for soldiers in the other car to step out as well. She gives them a nod and they all scurry out to take their positions.

"Hey, it's going to be okay." I tell Devyn.

"Why aren't they here yet, I swear if they-"

"Look." We peer out the car window to see a man walking towards Sage. He has a baseball cap, sunglasses, and a mask on.

"Put the window down, I want to hear what they're saying." I press the button slowly and the car window cracks open, making their conversation more audible.

"Where are they?" Sage asks the man in all black.

"Patience, patience. Where is the man we asked for?"

"I asked first so-"

"Your rules don't apply here. Not unless you don't want to see your children again."

Tears of Blood (wlw)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora