sharp and dangerous

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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. After stretching, I got up and looked around. The sky was had different hues of pink and orange, and I realized that it was probably the sun rising. Looking over to my side, I see that Andrea is still asleep. Anyways, the sun came up, meaning our truce was over. I was still mad at her for throwing me into the water. Our conversation last night was interesting, I didn't think she'd be feeling like this, because it was similar to what I was feeling. My stomach started to growl and rage quickened my blood. I wouldn't be here, if it weren't for this stupid girl. Who does she think she is? She had the audacity to ruin my car, throw me into water, and show me attitude. I can't wait for when we're found, so I don't have to see her anymore. I knew this was a bad idea.

"Thinking about ways to kill me?" Andrea walks up to me with a sly smile.

"I wouldn't waste my time."

"You'll miss your chance. Who knows, if you let me go now, I might take your rank again."

"I'll take my chances. Although I think you're the one who tried to kill me already."

"Not really, I didn't know you couldn't swim. Plus you think I want to kill an Ackerman? Puh-lease. I'd rather eat paint."

"Eat paint?"

"Yeah. Rather than be chased by your goons all around the country."

"You, are truly weird." I start to walk back towards the road.

"Do you think anyone's coming for us?"

"My monitor sent a signal to Sierra, she should have made it by now, I don't what's taking her forever."

"Maybe she's finally enjoying the time she has away from you." I shake my head, and ignore her. I take a seat by the road, away from her but she follows.

"Can't you just leave me alone?"

"Alone? When you can't swim? I think you need me."

"How do your parents deal with you?" Her face scrunches up into a grimace and she turns away.

I start to laugh, " They're the ones who are probably enjoying their time away from you."

She turns away and becomes silent and I can't quite figure out why but I just shrug it off.

"I hear something." I get up to look at the road.

"Someone's coming!" Andrea springs up and starts to wave at the car. The red car in the distance starts to get closer, and I could tell that it was Sierra's. A sense of relief washes over me, this terrible time is finally coming to an end.

Sierra parks the car and runs to me, giving me a tight hug.

"What the hell? What happened? We got so scared, we even called your father-"

"Why? We're perfectly fine, you didn't need to tell him."

"I was just so worried." She walks over to Andrea and gives her a hug too.

"Devyn!" I look over to the car and Iris leaps out.

"Oh hey!" She grabs my face into her hands, caressing it.

"You had me so fucking worried. Don't you ever do that again." I lifted her as she hugged me.

"Iris heard, and she drove all the way out here to help us look, and Ash invited her to stay with us."

"That's good." I give her a side smile and she blushes.

"Okay, can we go now?" Andrea chimes in.

"Who are you?" Iris questions.

"I'm Andrea. Nice to meet you." She moves her hair out of her face, and extends her hand.

"I'm Iris. I haven't really seen you around?"

"Yeah I'm new."


"She's just trouble. Might want to stay away from her." I say as I give Andrea a stern glare.

"Do you want to tell them how I saved your life, or should I?"

"Shut up."

"What is she saying?" Iris asks in a concerned tone.

"Nothing, love. Let's head to the cabin, I'm beat." We walk over to the car, and before I could sit in the front passenger seat, Andrea hops in first.

"Get out."

"No. I got here first."

"But that's my seat. Sierra tell her." I look towards Sierra and she shrugs.

"Why don't you sit in the back with Iris?" She proposes.

"I really need new friends." I slam the door shut and join Iris in the back seat. As we drive, Iris lets her head rest on my shoulder, and holds my hand. I look up at the rear view mirror, seeing Andrea's reflection. She looks focused on the road, her eyes taking in everything she sees. Her eyes look like pools of honey, and her cheekbones stand out. I noticed that she had precise features, and that she always looked lost in her thoughts, always calculating. I suddenly had a flashback to when she threw those daggers at the arena with perfection. She was like a blade herself, sharp and dangerous. As I continued to stare at the mirror, she looks up to meet my gaze. I've always prided myself in being able to read people in one glance. To notice their intentions and mannerisms, maybe that's why I didn't get along with everyone. But with her it was different, she so empty, but so full at the same time, she felt chaotic and peaceful, she was fierce but delicate, she was a mystery. After a few seconds, I looked away, not wanting her to pollute my thoughts any longer, for I have had enough of her.

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