don't die idiot

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We all huddle in the darkness of the basement. Ash grabs my hand and holds it firmly. It's been about 10 minutes and we haven't heard back from Devyn. Was she okay?

"I think we need to see where Dev is." I say in a low whisper.

"Nobody's moving." Ash replies.

"What if she's hurt?" Sierra jumps in and her tone is dipped in concern which sends chills down my spine.

"I don't get why we let her go out in the first place." Iris states.

"You guys can sit here. I'm going after her. Plus I want to see what ransacked our place. Sierra? You coming?" I get and grab a gun off the wall while looking back at Sierra. She nods and grabs a pistol.

"We'll be back." With that, we open the door slowly and step out.

There's nothing out of the ordinary except for the mess we saw on our way in. I step onto the porch and make my way outside.


"What?" She hurries to my side while I point at the ground. Blood.

"Shit. Hurry we have to find Devyn." She starts to scurry around.

"The trail of blood goes that way." I run following the drops of blood into the trees on the side of the cabin.

"Devyn? Devyn?" Sierra calls out. We hear a loud groan close to us and we run toward the noise. Slumped by a tree was Devyn. Her hair was a mess and she looked pale. Both of her hands were clutching her right side.

"Fuck." Sierra drops down next to her and examines her.

"It's a rune. It's not to big...I- I saw it..." Her voice trembles and she groans in pain.

"Hey it's okay Dev. Look at me. Stay awake for me okay?" She moves her hands to look at the wound. Blood oozes out of the tear in her skin.

"This is bad. She's poisoned. We have to get her back somehow." I look over at the wound, and around the opening of the tear there is a black lining starting to form. Sierra touches it and Devyn yells out in pain. At the sound of that, my teeth clench and my fists are clenched so tight, that I thin my nails will cut through the skin in my hands. I wanted to help her, but I know she wouldn't want me around. She probably didn't want me to touch her after everything I said to her. So I give Devyn and Sierra space as I look away, observing our surroundings for any threats.

"Come here. You take that side and I'll take this. We have to get her back." Sierra stands and throws one of Devyn's arms over her shoulder. I take Devyn's other side. We get her to stand up and she seems like she's hanging on by a thread. Her lips look purple her skin is clammy against mine. We walk out of the trees, trying to go as fast as we could with her weight. Looking over to the cabin, I see that the others emerged from the basement as well and were running towards us. At that moment I heard a loud screeching sound, that hurt my ears.

"It's close." Devyn murmurs.

"Hurry." Sierra says in a panicked tone. Brianna reaches us first and is shocked to see Devyn.

"Guys behind you!" Ash runs towards us and starts shooting from his gun. I turn around to see the trees moving. Out came a monster on all fours, with fangs. My heart started to beat faster.

"Get back guys." Ash yells. The creature then stood on its hind legs and started to walk towards, growling and hissing. I couldn't figure what it was. It looked like an abomination with scales for skin, long talons, sharp teeth that looked like it could rip any one of us into pieces. It looked about eight feet tall. As we run towards the house, Sierra trips over a stone and we all tumble. I look down at Devyn as I hover over her, as I can feel the Rune get nearer.

"Don't you die on me idiot," I whisper for only her to hear, " Brianna take my place next to her." She nods and takes her arm while Sierra gets back up.

"Wait what are you doing?" Iris asks.

"You guys, get to the cabin and call for help on someone's monitor. Call the guard. Then get her in the car and drive back as fast as you can. She won't make it if this beast is on our tail."

"Are you crazy?"

"I guess I am. But just go." I turn around before they can say anything in return.

"Wait!" I hear Ash yell out.

"I'm going to distract it. Go!" I scream as I run towards the Rune. I start to shoot at it as I get closer, but the bullets don't penetrate it. Looks like the scales work as a kind of shield for it. Taking a left, I wave my hands for it to follow me as I run into the forest. The ground vibrates as I feel it trailing behind me. I needed to get it as far away from them as possible. But right when I finished that thought I ran into a tree and fell backwards.

As I opened my eyes, its yellow eyes were peering down at me. It reeked of spoiled meat and blood, making me nauseous. Grabbing me by the foot, it dangled me in the air, making all the blood rush into my head.

Was this it? Was this how I was suppose to die?

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