get along

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"No I'm not going to do it."

"Come on Bella, you're the only person I can count on."

"I won't join the soccer team just because you're forcing me. I can't."

"I just don't want to do it alone. Pleasseeee."

"I don't know what the headmistress told you, but I don't think you need to be on some team."

"It'll look better, plus didn't you want to meet new people.. and boys??"

"I did, but through fun things."

"Soccer is fun."

"To you."

"Why don't you just try it out, for me?" Isabella looked at me with my pleading eyes. I was hoping she would say yes.

"Fine. But if it gets bad I'm quitting."

"THANK YOU!" I squealed while giving her a hug.

We walked down the hallway to get to the coach's office. I gave it a knock.

"Come in."

"Hello, coach. Um- I'm Andrea and this is my friend Isabella. The headmistress told me to come speak to you about playing for the girl's soccer team?"

"Ah, yes. She did reach out to me about you. I don't mind you guys joining at all. But I already have a team. A really good one too. You guys will try out today. We'll see from there if you guys can stay put, or be on your merry way."

"Sounds fair."

"Well then, what are you waiting for? Hit the locker rooms, and get changed. See you out on the field in 5." We rushed out to the locker room.

"I swear if you make me embarrass myself, I will kill you." Isabella says.

As we entered the room, there was a bunch of girls chattering away and getting changed.

"Are you two lost?" A voice behind us asked. I turned around to see a girl with jet black hair and tattoos.

"This is the soccer locker room right?"

"Yeah, but what are you two doing in here?"

"We're recruits." Isabella quickly says.

"You two? Recruits? You must be joking."

"We're not." I say. I go to the nearest locker and start to change, while the tattoo girl gives me a stare down.

In the next five minutes we get changed and walk out with the team.

"The field looks bigger than I expected." Isabella whispered. I give her a little shrug in return. Coach Xu is in the middle of the field with a girl who already seems to be stretching. Once coach spots us, she calls us over. As we get closer, I realize who it is. She stops stretching to look towards us.

"Okay team, today we have two more ladies joining us for the day. This is Andrea and Isabella. As we practice today, they will be trying out, so don't go easy on them. Let's see what they've got." Coach says with a laugh.

"Everyone on the line! I want a mile run under six minutes. That means the whole team needs to be done, or I'll make you run again." All of us stand on the line waiting for coach's whistle. When she gives us the signal we start to run around the track. All of them are fast, so me and Isabella are left straggling in the back. Looking forward I see Devyn in the front. Under the sun, her skin glows. Each one of her muscles are on display, her abs sculpted perfectly. I feel a jolt of adrenaline fill me up and I start to move through the girls as fast as I can. I keep pushing until I finally pass Devyn. A slight look of shock crosses her face but she quickly erases it. I finish the lap and stand by coach.

"Whoa team. Andrea finished her lap in 5 minutes!" Coach Xu exclaims while the team finishes. I look for Isabella and quickly spot her. A sense of relief washes over me when I see that she finished the mile on time.

"Not bad newbie," the tattoo girl smiles. I give her a smile back.

"You know what, instead of doing drills today, let's play a little game. We'll split into two teams and see what you got. This way, we can see how well Andrea and Isabella play. As team captain Devyn will choose first, and as co-captain Sierra will choose second. Choose your players." So Sierra was the tattoo girl's name. She seemed kind of nice, whereas Devyn looked like she would kill me on the spot. The last two players to be picked were me and Bella. I ended up being on Sierra's team, while Bella was on Devyn's. We take our sides on the field and get into a team huddle.

"Okay team, remember to cover Dev at all costs, never leave her open. And you, newbie," Sierra says while looking at me, " What position do you play?"


"Then that's where you'll play. Show us what you've got girl." We get into our positions and Coach blows the whistle for us to start. Our team starts, so I kick the ball to our mid fielder. With a blink of an eye, Devyn is there and she steals the ball. Their team starts to move up as Devyn dribbles closer to the goal. She passes through the goal like it was as easy as breathing. Before she could shoot, Sierra steals the ball and passes it up. I receive it and start to dribble up the field fast. I get past their line of mid fielders, just as I start to get closer to the goal, someone slide tackles me and I hit the floor. Suddenly it feels like I can't breathe. I look to see who it was. Devyn gets up from the grass with a smile, as her teammates start to pass the ball back up. She walks over to me and offers me her hand.

"Got the wind knocked out of you?"

"Yeah." I say as I breathe in and reach for her hand. She then draws her hand back right when I reach for it.

"Better be more careful." She jogs away. Isabella comes and gives me a hand.

"She's a bitch."

"Yeah you can say that again." I reply.

Before I can get all the way to our side, Devyn scores and her team erupts into cheers. Anger starts to build up in me. Sierra walks up to me.

"Don't let it get to you, just focus on your technique. Winning is something that is not going to happen when you're up against Devyn." As the whistle elbows again, I start to dribble up again. This time I go faster, getting better cuts and turns. As I feel Devyn approach, I cut behind her and shoot. I watch the ball sail over the defense. For a second I think it's too high, but then it hits the back of the net. Sierra erupts into cheers and gives me a hug.

"Damn, newbie. I like that." I walk past Devyn, and turned to make sure to give her a smirk.

We finally ended the game and it was still a tie. While getting into a team huddle I received a lot of pats and praise.

"Okay, Ladies. Nicely played today. I loved the effort. I'd like all of you to properly introduce yourselves to our two new players. Welcome girls, you've proven to be exceptional players."

"Thank you." We sat in a circle and each girl introduced herself.

"I'm Sierra, nice to meet you guys." It was finally Devyn's turn.

"See you guys at practice tomorrow." With that, she got up and left.

"Don't worry, she gets like that sometimes." Sierra reassures.

"I bet."

"Don't worry, we'll all get along just fine."

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